Chapter 4

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I woke up. With no memory at all. I just stared at a white ceiling with some old cracks on them. It was kinda nice to have no memory, but then all those memories came tumbling back, and I soon realized I was at a hospital. I was exhausted and sorta sad. All those pills I swallowed didn't effect me. It only made me faint. My mom came in relieved to see me alive.

"How you holding up honey?"


"Well, Mia and Hannah are here to see you."

My two best friends came walking through the door, boy how glad I was to see them.

"I'll leave you three girls alone."

"Thanks mom." I shouted kinda lowly. My eyes were total bloodshot. My stomach felt like jelly. I felt terrible.


Her shouting bothered me yes, but it was kinda nice cause the actually showed they cared.

"I know I know Harry just kinda got into my head."

"Well we will make sure he never bothers you again. But instead of doing this crap Roxy just come speak to us please. We don't want to lose you." Said Hannah and Mia nodded.

"Aw you guys I love you!" we all came in for a group hug and it was nice to feel loved for once.


That time of the decided to tumble in. I had to go back to hell, and not to mention everyone in the fucking school knows what happened including Harry. He probably wouldn't even care if I actually did die. Harry was heartless.

Mia,Hannah, and I walked together today instead of me taking the bus. We entered school and the scent of it just made me want to go back home. I didn't want to come. People think I'm an even more freak now considering they know I am capable of committing suicide. The bell rang. God how annoying that bell was. History, History,History. I hate that class with such a strong passion. Here we go again.

"Ah, Roxanne nice to see you back." Mr.Potter said.

I just nodded. I sat as far away from Harry, but the weird thing I just saw him starring at me as if he was studying me. Why? what the hell is he planning out this time. I almost killed myself what more does he want. Gosh . Boys are so confusing. Especially Harry styles.

History finally finished for the first time with no problems from Harry and I. I was walking to my locker when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I looked back,and it was Harry.

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