Chapter 22

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I lazily opened my eyes, with Harry still sound asleep beside me. Harry and I have been napping for 45 minutes. I was trying to get up, but Harry's arms were wrapped around me tightly. Gosh he was strong without even trying. I was trying to get out of his grip when I heard the door click.

"Roxy I-."

Shit. It was my mom.

"What do you think you're doing young lady?!" She said

"I've only been gone for 45 minutes and you were already having sex in a hospital bed?!" She said saying a little louder.

"Oh gosh! No mom! It's not what it looks like!" I said.

All this bickering woke up Harry.

"What's going on?" He said in a raspy British voice.

Goodness his voice was so hot.

"My mom thinks we were having sex." I said looking at my palms.

After I said that his eyes quickly widened.

"No Ms. Jenson, you got it all wrong. You see Roxy is just a friend. I just kept her company while you were gone."

Roxy is just a friend. I kept repeating that line over and over again in my head till it was fully processed. I thought he liked me.

But why would he ever like me?

I'm fat.

I'm ugly.

Why would he love a sad girl.

He loves Donna. I know it.

"If she is just a friend why were you on top of my daughter like that?!" My mom screamed.

Her screaming interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Ms. Jenson we were just sleeping. I would never do it with your daughter."

What does he mean he will never do it with me. I mean I know Harry and I aren't going out, but why wouldn't he do it with me?

Well duh, you're Roxy Jenson, no one will ever do it with you. I thought to myself.

Honestly I got a little annoyed when Harry said that.

"Get off her now." My mom said firmly to Harry.

He put his hands up in defeat and got off the bed.

"No disrespect or anything Ms. Jenson, but you need to calm down."

My mom walked up to Harry so he was face to face with him.

"Just looking at you is enough disrespect. Your parents should be
Ashamed of such a boy like you."

"MOM! That's enough!" I had enough of her and her rude remarks.

"Roxy, darling you can do better than-"

"No mom. It's better if you just leave."

"Roxy I am your mother, and you cannot say if I could leave or not."

I sat up from my hospital bed, the anger boiling inside of me.

"Leave now or I'll get the doctor to throw you out."

She looked at me in complete shock. I was completely of guard when her hand came in contact with my cheek. She smacked me.

Harry Came in between us.

"How dare you. Leave and never come back." he said covering me.

"You are not to say if I shall leave or-"

"LEAVE!" He screamed also having enough of her.

"This won't be the last time you see me." She said. I knew she wasn't lying. It won't be the last time I see her.

"Are you okay angel." He said.

"Yeah." I said holding my cheek. I'm pretty sure I blushed after he called me angel.

He lifted his hand a caressed my red cheek. I slightly moved me head away from him.

"What's wrong?"


"Roxy tell me."

"No it's just that what you told my mom.. Is it true?"


"That you will never.. Ya know.. Do it with me?" I said not looking him in the eye.

He chuckled.

"It's not funny!" I said lightly punching him in the shoulder.

"I know." He said smiling widely. "But it's funny how you paid attention to it."

I looked away slightly embarrassed.

"Roxy, I didn't mean it that way. I meant like I have too much respect for you. I wouldn't want you to lose something so special to a guy like me."

"But maybe I want to.."

He grinned when he heard that.

I glared at him.

"You have a crush." He said singing.

"Oh shut up and just lay down." I said making the same space for him on the hospital bed.

I heard a click on the door. Gosh that click was getting annoying. Thankfully it wasn't my mom, it was the doctor.

"Roxy, uh we have to do some more tests on you." The doctor said a little worried.

I looked at Harry as he looked at me.

"It will be fine Rox." He said rubbing my arm.






That will be a bummer if they were.. But they're not lol.


ily 💕

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