Chapter 2: Meeting The Alpha

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A/N: this is a short chapter, Im really sorry about that ive been sick this past few days ;;~~;; Please comment and upvote if you can OTL Enjoy <3 Love you all <3 

Chapter 2: Meeting The Alpha

Chanyeol opened his eyes at the sound of the alarm as he sat up slamming the phone on the floor, it was the first time in about 4 years that he had gotten a good sleep and the alarm ruined all of that. With a grunt the boy stood up making his way to the bathroom as he washed his face. He looked at the mirror and sighed remembering the wolf’s eyes. Chanyeol shook his head to forget about it telling himself it was only a dream, yet it felt so real.

Chanyeol stripped from his clothes as he turned the water on. Since Chanyeol was once of those green type of people he wouldn’t take long boring showers, so he took them quick to not harm the environment.

Since he was small, the boy loved nature, he would collect rocks as well as odd flowers he would find while playing behind the backyard forest he once had, but soon that was destroyed after his mother’s murder, the trees died with her that night.

The boy put on his new uniform looking at his reflection sighing only wishing for his mother to be there to support him, but he wasn’t going to let that bring him down, he was going to be strong, not just for him, but for his mother as well. He got his cellphone as well as his backpack and lunch making his way out of the school’s dormitory room and into the campus.

Kris made his way through the halls, the painful feeling from his chest had yet to disappear only making the upper wolves worry about the safety of the feature alpha, not that they didn’t believe he was strong, oh no, Kris was the strongest, but right now he was vulnerable to any enemy, by having a broken heart.

Kris had now more than one body guard do to the fact that girls could make his head hurt so much that it could make him pass out, he was weak, emotionally hurt and broken. His eyes showed only sorrow, something the alpha should never feel.

Chanyeol was sitting on the train as he looked outside, seeing how the trees passed by one by one, slowly, until the disappear into the speed of the train, leaving a green, brown type of distorted image in the eyes of a human. The boy blinked when he saw something running in the forest, it was running fast, faster than a human, yet it looked like one, but it couldn’t be, humans can’t run that fast.

The burnets eyes met with the creatures, making Chanyeol gasps, it was the white wolf, his eyes were a cold gold color, a murderous look was written all over the white creatures face. The boy clenched his hands into two fists as he closed his eyes tightly. “It’s all a dream, a nightmare.” Chanyeol kept repeating that over and over in his head, he didn’t want to open his eyes, he didn’t want to see the wolf, the wolf made his tremble in fear.

The tall boy jumped when he heard the voice of the driver signaling him that his next stop was close, making him stand up. Chanyeol held to the rails tightly as he waited for his next stop biting his lower lip, a habit he had, the boy would bite his lip when he was scared, and would play with his fingers, as well as when he was shy or embarrassed.

Chanyeol made his way to the Academy playing with the strap of his messenger bag, avoiding touches, and stares, Chanyeol made it safely to his locker opening it when he heard squealing in the distance making him jump, the white wolf made him really nervous, as well as very jumpy, and he didn’t like it, he couldn’t let an animal control him, he needed to be strong, but the wolf’s stare was so deep it reached his soul making him shutter just by thinking about its eyes.

Chanyeol shiver shaking his head to erase the wolf’s imprint in his mind as he made his way to class bumping into a boy he hadn’t seen before, as three more got in front the other boy guarding him. Chanyeol blinked making his way around them as he got a glimpse at the boys and stopped when he saw the boy’s eyes and saw them all walk away.

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