Chapter 7: In A Blink of An Eye

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A/N: Its a really short chapter ;;~~;; and i just need the epilogue to finish uhu ;;~~;;, please comment and subscribe I beg you ;;~~;; i need feed back DX.... sorry its short ;;~~;; again might have a sequel?? OTL OTL sorry its rushed ;;

Chapter 7: In A Blink of An Eye

Luhan made his way inside the room where Chanyeol was. Kris was sleeping in the boys’ bed holding Chanyeol close to his body; it would have been a perfect sight if only Chanyeol wouldn’t be in a coma.

The wolf gently took a seat next to them and looked at their calm, peaceful face, everything seem to be just another dream, just another nightmare, right? No, it wasn’t, it was reality, the one that hurts, and doesn’t care. The one that takes, and never gives back, that reality, the one that we all hate, the one that slowly destroys us little by little with the help of life.

Luhan gently took Chanyeol’s hand and smiled sadly as he whispered “You did it Chanyeol, you created a perfect world, a world where humans can mate with wolves, a world where there is no war.” Luhan took a deep breath “Wake up.” He whispered, “Please wake up, you are a hero.”

Chanyeol did not move a muscle, he couldn’t he was trapped in a world of pure darkness a world that was slowly pulling him to his death.

Luhan stood up as he hummed softly “1…2…3 can you hear it? 4….5…6 it’s the wind calling your name. 7…8…9 One more number left, 10…. What comes after that?” It was a small little tone Luhan would hum to Chanyeol when he felt that he was about to give up, Chanyeol never knew it, but Luhan was telling Chanyeol that after 10 he needs to do his own life, that there is better things out there in the world.

Luhan took a seat on the window as he looked at Chanyeol and Kris, with sadness in his eyes, if Kris and Chanyeol die, the world would be unbalance and death would spread all over the world. He closed his eyes and prayed to himself hoping that Chanyeol would wake up. Hoping that everything could go back to normal, because that’s all he could do, hope.

After a few hours, Luhan decided to leave the room. He took one last glance at the boys and got out the room walking down the stairs where he found Tao and Suho sitting on a couch. He smiled at them and bowed as he made his way out of the house. He took a seat on the porch and looked at the forest in front of him. He was playing with a flower as the wind slowly took it away from his grasp. Luhan followed the flower and sighed as he saw it vanished like a soul.

The boy brought his knees to his chest as he hummed drawing circles on the floor with a stick humming the song.

Chanyeol was walking, walking with a white shirt and white jeans bare foot; he was walking inside the forest, following what seemed to be someone. Chanyeol looked around and stopped when he heard Luhan’s voice and the small tone he would hear when he was alone.

The man in front of him stopped putting his hand in front of him for Chanyeol to take; he turned to look back where he came from and saw Kris. He then turned to look at the other and shook his head knowing that if he took the man’s hand he would never see Kris again.

Chanyeol turned his feet as he started to run back to Kris. He was panting and huffing when he came in contact with a hard chest. He blinked looking up and smiled when he saw Kris was the person he had bumped into. Chanyeol buried his face on his chest and held him tight. “Please wake up.” Kris whispered. “I need you.”

Kris had his face covered with his hands, it had been too long since he last heard Chanyeol’s beautiful voice, or felt him hug him, or saw his beautiful eyes, he couldn’t wait any longer, he was slowly breaking, slowly losing control of everything. He was slowly dying.

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