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Hello and welcome to my awful screenplay fanction writing of Mudsdale Romeo and Rapidash Juliet. I am in no way a professional and this is just for fun (also I am really into this ship right now since my friend introduce me to Mudsdale). The inspiration for this was a bunch of conversations I had with a lot of people and my own creative boredom since I can't exactly write anything till I hear from some publishing companies (I am in the process of publishing a science fiction/fantasy novel).

Ok so here is how it will go down.

1. I will not write in old English (I can read that I just can't write it!)

2. I will follow a somewhat format of the script of the original play (I have a copy of it during my drama days when I was in a play for Romeo and Juliet so I am basically using what I have right now).

3. All characters will be Pokemon instead of two houses there will be two herds. Mudsdales and Rapidash. Consider that as like how in Romeo and Juliet there last names were Montague and Capulet. However, to cost less confusion I will keep original names such as Romeo Mudsdale or Juliet Rapidash.

4. I am not exactly following any Pokemon generation so it will just be a random pile of Pokemons from different generations

5. I will not mention any Pokemon trainers in this story because I can't exactly find a use for them the more I think about it

Now feel free to enjoy this story. Again not a professional at writing scripts this is just for pure fun.

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