Act 1 Scene 3

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Act 1

Scene 3

AUTHORS NOTE: I apologize for horrible grammar and spelling. I am not exactly paying attention to it mostly because I just want to write. I am on vacation dam it so I don't want to edit anything! I love writing and editing, but editing takes work and most of my time. So I am just going to write. Admit it, a lot of good fanfiction has some poor grammar or spelling errors here and there. At least that's what my best friend told me. Let's be honest we are all here to have fun. I would like to mention I haven't looked at a Pokemon map for some time. Last time was when I played Pokemon Platinum that my ex gave me as a bday present. There's too much to remember on a map OK!? Seriously you try remembering where the hell the Day Care Center is so you can force your Pokemon to mate with each other without getting their consent! We all have done it!! We all caught a Ditto and forced it to bred with one of our Pokemon just so we can have another one! Did Ditto or that Pokemon consent? NO!!!

.........I just got off topic ok without further ado let this poorly written screenplay continue.

One of the caves near a lava river which is home to Rapidash. Enter Lady Rapidash and Ninetails.

Lady Rapidash Ninetails have you seen my daughter?

Ninetails I been searching high and low in these parts looking for her. [Calling] Juliet where are you? [To herself] She better not have gone into the fields again [Calling] Juliet!

[Enter Juliet]

Juliet I am here, I am here. What is wrong?

Ninetails Your mother is looking for you. Go to her at once.

Juliet You called for me mother?

Lady Rapidash Yes I did, Ninetails, if you please, can you leave us. I wish to speak to my daughter in private. [Ninetails bows and starts to leave] You know what on second thought you come back here. Tell me, when did Juliet evolved into a beautiful Rapidash?

Ninetails Last month. I should know I witnessed her evolved with my very own eyes. A magnificent evolution if I do say so myself.

Lady Rapidash Tell me, how did her evolution happen?

Ninetails As I recalled, we were hiking up a cliff to get a breath of fresh air. As we climbed higher, a group of 10 zubats appeared out of nowhere. I put myself in front of Juliet since she was still just a Ponyta. I battle them, but I was only able to take down 3 of them. They poisoned me and it me with a confuse ray. Before I knew it, I fell on the ground and was close to fainting, I was well aware they will keep attacking me till I was no longer breathing. With what was left of my strength, I warned Juliet to flee. Instead, she moves in front of me and protected me. I have never seen such a magnificent Flamethrower attack before. She took them all down with just one attack. Her body began to glow and grew till she became the Rapidash you see before her. I owe your daughter my very life.

Lady Rapidash A long story, but a courageous one none the less. Us Rapidashs and Ponytas must be courageous even in the heat of battle. We must never let our enemies see fear in our eyes.

Juliet [She starts to blush] Would you two stop talking about it, I don't like being praised or flattered. I did it so I could protect Ninetails because she has been my nurse since the day I was born. I care deeply for her.

Lady Rapidash Well enough about the past, its time to discuss the future. As you know Juliet, since you have now evolved, it is time to consider finding a mate. How do you feel about that?

Juliet I haven't exactly thought about it that much.

Ninetails Thought about it that much? [She looks shocked] Why you must start thinking about it now. You can't stay here alone in your caves forever.

Lady Rapidash [She nods in agreement with Ninetails] Well now you must think about having a mate. When I evolved, your father was already my mate. I heard our friend from the north, Paris, the Leader of the Sawsbuck herd, wants you as his mate.

Ninetails [Seems confused] Isn't that a strange match thought? After all Sawsbucks are Grass and Normal types. A Fire type being a mate with a Grass type? Might as well let a Water type mate with an Electric type!

Lady Rapidash That may be, but apparently Sawsbucks and Rapidash are compatible mates despite the differences

AUTHOR'S NOTE AGAIN: No joke I actually looked this up. If you don't believe go on google and look it up. I'll wait.........did you look it up? Wasn't I right? Just like how I found out Mudsdale is compatible with Rapidash! Who would have thought! Anyway, moving on.

Ninetails If you say so. I still think it's weird.

Lady Rapidash So what do you say? Your father has decided to hold a gathering in the fields tonight to welcome Paris. For obvious reasons, we can't have the gathering here. He is a noble Pokemon and leader of his own herd. He wasn't born for the title, but he fought for it. The last leader ended up being banished for being weak. That shows how strong Paris is. Not only that, he is loyal and kind to everyone. He will be kind to you that I am sure of that. Imagine all the Pokemon talking about it. A Rapidash and a Sawsbuck in love. It will be spectacular! Imagine your future children!

Ninetails I can see it now! A strong Deerling child and a gentle Ponyta.

Lady Rapidash Are you interested in meeting Paris?

Juliet I shall meet him. If I feel something for him then I will consider him as a mate. For now, we shall see what happens.

[Numel waddles in]

Numel [Gasping for breath] Ladies, I am here to inform you the Pokemon are already at the fields including Rapidash and Paris. They are all waiting for you to arrive. Rapidash sent me to get all of you. Please come at once!


Lady Rapidash Well what are you waiting for go out into the fields. Can't keep the Sawsbuck waiting.

Ninetails I wish you luck my dear. Make sure you have fun.


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