Chapter 9

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"Will he be OK?" Turtlepaw asked, worried. Before her was Dragonpaw, a shallow red gash in his throat. Two cats that looked just like him sat next to his head, stroking his back with their tails.
"He might actually for if you don't leave him alone!" Junebug retorted, reappearing from the small cave where she stored her herbs. She shooed away Dragonpaw's parents and placed a leaf next to his head. "Eat up."
Turtlepaw hadn't realized he was awake, and was surprised when he coughed and licked up the herb, making a face that woyldve been priceless had they not been in that situation.
"I'm out of cobweb, moss, and dock." Junebug meowed professionally. "Stay here while I go find some." She padded towards the rockpile that led out of her den. "And only let one cat in at a time!" She called. Dragonpaw grunted a reply that Turtlepaw didn't think had any real words. His family backed away and Turtlepaw curled around her new friend protectivley and fell asleep.

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