Chapter 3

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That night I didn't sleep well. I laid on my new bed and waited for sleep to come but I was kept awake by the oddness of the last two days. I wondered again what this place was, and what was keeping the dust from gathering, the books from falling apart, and the food from rotting. Eventually I passed out from the weirdness.

The next morning I awoke to Okami shaking me. "Wake up Blitz!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You gotta come see this!" I groaned. "Whaaaa?" I asked, siting up. "Whats going on?" She pulled me to my feet. "I did some exploring last night while you were asleep." She explained. "You really gotta see this!" She pulled me along and took me into the cafeteria. "Check this out." She said as she opened a set of double doors. I was Instantly amazed when light flooded into the room and revealed an underground landscape that took my breath away. The "Sky" was covered in glowing chrystals that gave light to the entire area. the ground was covered in forests, plains, caves, and lakes. I could see lesser lights on the ground that revealed small stone huts. "We're in a castle." Okami explained as we stepped onto the balcony. "The stuff that we have seen inside must be the tip of the iceberg." "The tower." I said to myself. "Then how do we get to the rest of it?" Okami shrugged. 

"What worries me is that there might be more people down there." Okami said. "We don't know if they are friendly or not." I nodded. "Agreed." I said, turning away from the balcony. "I'm gonna look for a way down there. It would be better if we found an exit than if they found a way in." 

I wandered the area looking for something I might have missed the previous day. My search turned up nothing until I came to the spiral staircase that we had come in through. Curiosity got the better of me and I stooped down to the ground to see if there was a continuation of the stairs. Feeling around, I found a trapdoor that I hadn't noticed before. I carefully opened it to reveal the continuation that I had been looking for. Stairs continued down lit by those same stones that lit up the stony sky.

"Okami!" I yelled. "Come and see this!" She quickly came running. "What is it?" She asked. She paused when she saw the staircase. "Well?" She asked. "We gonna go down there or what?" I shrugged. "Might as well." I replied. "We might find some cool stuff."

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