Chapter 6

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Later that day, we all settled into the castle. I didn't feel right about leaving the others out in the huts, so I talked it over with Okami and we let the other guys stay in the castle. I was beginning to grow more familiar with the place and when the others all went to bed for the night, I wandered the halls. "What are you?" I whispered to the walls as I walked. I was growing more certain that I knew this place, but how? Could I be the prince from the painting? That seemed to crazy to be true, but then again, I was a guy that could turn into a deer... I was becoming used to crazy.

I sighed as I entered the throne room. Something about the room seemed to call to me, like the room I had claimed as mine. I knew this place... but how? I sighed and looked at the painting of the royal family on the wall. I had been able to look at myself in the bathroom mirror and I had to admit, I did look like the prince. I had the same blonde hair, the same blue eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to remember. Suddenly some kind of force seemed to pull me out of reality as I began to grasp a memory.

I was in the throne room again, but this time I was not alone. the king and queen were staring down on me in disapproval. "Your defiance to our direct orders is becoming annoying." The King said. "We ordered you stay out of the affairs of the forest people, but what do you do? You defy our orders and rush off to get cozy with the Rose of the Forest! If you were not our son you would be executed on the  very ground you stand!" I could feel anger well up in me.

"I did what was right!" I snapped, causing the Queen to shudder in surprise. "The Forest People were nearly driven to extinction! Do you care about them? NO! You care more about diplomatic relations with the bigger kingdoms than the smaller tribes! Had I not acted, the Forest People would all have fallen to the Hive People!"

"You defy us with every measure of your being." The King drew his sword from the glass case. "This is your last chance: desist and obey, or be banished to the over world." I growled. 

"I refuse." I said, turning away. "I will not be a political pawn. You want to give me to the Princess of Atlantis, but I do not love her." "Please." The Queen pleaded. "Do as we ask." I shook my head."I choose banishment." I said. I heard the King's sword enter the ground, sealing my fate. "So be it."

I snapped out of my trance and looked at the painting again. "My family." I said. I looked around the room. "My home." I wandered around some more, trying to dig up some more memories, but to no avail. I eventually got tired so I quit my search and went to my bed. I was comforted by the fact that I was home.

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