Chapter 8

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While Cephas and I walked back to the castle we reminisced on our memories.  We had been childhood friends since we were little, and were always getting into mischief."My mother didn't like me hanging out with you." Cephas said, smiling at the memory. "She said you were a bad influence." I laughed. "It was the pranks, wasn't it?" I asked. "Your mother had no sense of humor." Cephas sighed. "How did we get here Blitz?" He asked sadly. "How did we get to this time?"

"I don't know." I replied. I looked around. "I remember my banishment, but nothing afterward." Cephas sighed and kicked a stone. "I remember that." He said sadly. "I followed after you." He stopped and looked at the blacksmith hut. "That was my home." He commented. Tears filled his eyes. "Everything we knew, everyone we loved... lost to the mouth of time." "Not everything." I replied, putting my hand on his shoulder. "You still have me, brother." He smiled.

"What now?" He asked. "What do we do now?" I sat with him and looked at the sky. "We lead our friends." I replied. "We know this world, we can re-create the Yaisei Kingdom. We will be safe here." Cephas looked off to the forest a day's journey off. "Think they are still there?" He asked. I shook my head. "Even if they are." I said. "My Rose is not." I remembered her, Hana Shinrin, the Rose of the Forest.

"The Hive People will come if they still exist." Cephas noted. "We have to teach our friends to fight." I nodded. Cephas looked at me a moment. "If my memory serves, you know them well." He said. "You killed, what? Two hundred?"  I shook my head. "A hundred, at most." He shrugged. "Still, you killed a lot." He said. "We could all use advice on how to deal with them." I nodded. "You deal with the weapons, I'll deal with training."

Later that day, Cephas and I brought out friends out onto the grassy gardens of the castle. "Cephas and I were talking, and we thinking we need to start a combat training program." I said as they sat down. "Cephas is experienced in a forge and provide weapons, whereas I can provide experience in combat." Okami looked at me with confusion. "Wait, you remember your past?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm- I mean I used to be Prince Blitzen Yaisei." I replied. "But that is a conversation for a different time. I looked at Cephas. "How long would it take to arm them?" I asked. He shrugged. "A few days." He replied. "Maybe less, depends on the materials."

I looked at the others. "Okay then." I began. "Everyone will talk to Cephas about what weapon and material would suit them. Cephas does have veto power in this by the way." They all nodded. "When your weapon is done you will touch base with me so we can start training." Okami raised her hand. "Why do we need training?" She asked. "The hunters can't get us down here." I shook my head. "I'm not worried about the hunters." I replied. "We aren't the only Polymorphs down here, and it is rare to find friendlies."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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