*IMAGINE 97*(pt 2 of Imagine 95)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

After Duane was reunited with his daughter and his granddaughter, he took her home, and let her meet the rest of her family...but her twin brother Leland didn't believe the story for a minute, and wanted more proof that she was in fact, his twin sister...Duane told him that the blood tests don't lie...as he tossed the test papers to his son. Leland checked the papers up and down, and then he stepped up to Siera and looked at her very closely...and when he saw a birthmark on the left side of her neck, was identical to his...he wrapped his arms around her and welcomed her to the family...just in time to celebrate Christmas.

Dog was so happy, that he invited Criss Angel and his girlfriend Kc and her sister Rachel, and her fiance Costa...to celebrate Christmas with them Hawaii style...Criss was more than happy to accept his invitation...they had a wonderful Christmas party, followed by an amazing dinner, then it was present opening time afterward...Criss and Kc brought their little boy Johnny to enjoy his third Christmas party...for his first one was with his grandma Dimitra...then his second one was with his other grandma, Kc's mom...and know his third Christmas with his family and their friends. So he hit the jackpot on the presents this year...but instead of keeping all of them...Johnny shared them with his new found friend...Bella.

Before bedtime, it was family tradition to read Christmas stories by the fire...so Dog read the first story for his kids...then Siera read a story for her daughter...then handed the book to Criss so he could read a story for his son...which after hearing his daddy's soothing voice...he fell asleep in his mommy's arms...and when Rachel noticed that Kc's legs fell asleep while holding Johnny so long...that she rushed over to pick Johnny up and put him to bed next to Bella...

The Chapman family all said their goodnights to their family and friends...then the lights went out and everyone went to sleep full of love and happiness...and nothing was stirring not even a mouse that entire night.

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