Prince Charming's POV

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I sit on a large grey rock. I'm worried about Snow. I shouldn't be, but I am. The Queen could show up and catch her at any second. She has her bow and arrows, but the Queens men would be smart enough to take it. Actually, I shouldn't worry. She's strong, and she could probably take down any of them within five minutes. I realize I should do something. Snow won't be back for about twenty minutes. I get up and walk around. After about five minutes, I find an apple tree. "That's strange..." I whisper. ¨I've never noticed that before.¨ I put my sword in my belt and begin to climb. When I reach the bottom branch, I grab two apples and climb down. I must have been forever, since Snow is already at our campsite when I return. "Any luck?" I ask. "No, I almost got a squirrel but it saw me first." she says, disappointed. "Well, it's a good thing I found apples." I say, smiling. "Want one?" I ask. "No, I'm not hungry. Maybe later though" she says. "Suit yourself." I say as I take a bite. That was the last thing I said before I collapsed to the ground.

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