Elizabeth's POV

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"Help!" I scream. I look around. My family isn't here. A tear falls down my face as I realize what has happened. They're either dead, or they've abandoned me. I don't know which is worse. I stumble out of bed and look at the door, or where the door would be. It's been eaten away by the flame. I look toward the window. I'll get hurt, but it's my only chance of escaping. I run to it, and push it open. I look around outside to see what kind of beast is out there, and see a dragon. For a second, I'm paralyzed by fear. I remember my mother telling me stories of dragons when I was young. Then I realize it's either leave or die. I tie the rope that we keep near the window to a hook on the shutters, and climb down. The second my feet hit the ground, I'm running. Running into the forest, toward the unknown. I'm unarmed, so if I come across another person, or a wild animal, I'm dead. But I still keep running.


I'm not sure how long I've been going, but it's been at least a half hour. My legs, throat, and lungs burn, and I fall to the ground. I don't know how long I've been crying. I didn't even notice I stared. I only realize when I go to scratch my cheek and feel a tear drop onto my hand. After sitting for about five minutes, I get up and start to run again, until I trip over a tree root. I try to get up, but pain shoots through my leg. Great, I've twisted it. I'm as good as dead now. A sob tears from my throat. My family is dead, and I'll be killed soon. I then hear a rustle in the leaves. My head turns quickly to where it came from. "Hello?" the voice calls out. It sounds like a woman. "Hello, who's there? I'm not going to hurt you." they call. Then they step through the trees. I look up at them. Hair as black as ebony, lips as red as a rose, skin as white as snow. It's Snow White.

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