Snow White's POV

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When I heard the cry, I came rushing towards it. I didn't know what to expect. I just knew I needed to help them. Once I see the girl, I quickly sit beside her. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask. "W-what do you care?" she mutters. "You'll just kill me, like you did with my family.". I don't know what she's talking about. "P-pardon me? I don't even know who you are." I say. "They were killed for protecting you." she says. I then see how much she's crying. "I'm so sorry." I say. "I truly am.". She looks up at me. "I was running. From the beast that killed them. I hurt my ankle." she says. "Well," I say. "It's a good thing I have bandages.". I pull them out of my bag and wrap them around her leg, and give her a small branch that was near us to use as a crutch. "Come with me." I say. "You'll be safer". "H-how do I know I can trust you?" she asks. I try not to let the hurt show on my face. "If I was going to kill you, I would've already." I respond. "Now here, I'll help you up.". She wraps her arm around my shoulder and I pull her to her feet. "Try not to put too much pressure on that leg, it'll make it worse" I say to her. "Now let's find a place to camp for the rest of the night", I say while smiling. She weakly smiles back and we walk away.


After about fifteen minutes of walking, we find a nice clearing to sleep in. "Sit." I say. "You look like you're about to collapse.". The girl sits down on a large rock beside an oak tree. "So, you never told me who you are" I say. "You never asked." is her response. I let out a small laugh. "C'mon, what's your name?" I ask her. "Elizabeth." she says. "I'm-I'm ten." she mumbles. She's only ten. She should be in her bed, sleeping, not running away in the forest, trying not to get killed. "That's a pretty name." I manage to say, choking back tears. "Now get some sleep." I say. She limps over to a small dip in the ground by a tree, and as soon as I look over, she sinks through the ground.

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