Chapter 12: Intervention

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"So, where exactly does this lead?"

Remus shined his Lumos around the tunnel, eyes wide with wonder as Hermione took a tight grip of his hand. They had passed through the portrait entrance in the Room of Requirement a few minutes before, and were walking through the narrow passage towards Hogsmeade,

"This will lead us straight into the Hogs Head Tavern," Hermione said, sniffling as she pushed some dark hair behind her ear, "I have a contact there who has information for me,"

"You are full of surprises, Black. Or should I say Granger?"

Remus chuckled deeply as Hermione bristled, a flush rising up onto her neck. Remus was breathing so close to her, as the tunnel was so narrow. Releasing her hand from the werewolves, Hermione nodded at another portrait hole which they had come upon,

"It's through here," she stated, "do try and behave, won't you?"

"I'll do my best," Remus stated, stepping back as the door swung open and Hermione scrambled out into the bedroom she had used a few days before. Remus followed close to her, looking around as the door opened and Aberforth appeared,

"I knew you couldn' hold it in fer long," he said, shooting down a shot of whisky, "care for a shot?"

"No sir, were both underage," Remus stated, only to grunt as Hermione smacked his chest with the back of her hand,

"Don't put words in my mouth, Lupin. Firewhiskey, please, Aberforth,"

"Aye, always knew you were a good sort, 'ermione. Bottoms up,"

Hermione smiled and took the shot with little hesitation, smirking as Remus stared at her slightly. Giving the empty glass to Quitz whom had appeared beside her, Hermione motioned to Remus with a smile,
"Aberforth, meet Remus Lupin. I trust him fully and completely, as he already knows...everything,"

"Ah," Aberforth grunted, waving his wand to throw up silencing and privacy charms, "well it's best if we sit down fer this part. Might be a tad shocking,"

Hermione and Remus both nodded in agreement, taking a seat on the nearby sofa opposite the bed in the room. Summoning a blaze to the hearth, Aberforth sank down into a chair, but sat forward on his knees.

'Something's happened,' Hermione thought, her heart stuttering in nervousness. Surely Aberforth protected his mind from the probes of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters? They didn't know who she was?!

"I believe Voldemort is once again on the move. Faster then before..."

"So what do yo need me for?" Hermione questioned, taking the cup of tea Quitz was offering to her,

"Voldemort is gettin' closer to Hogwarts,"

A stiff silence fell over the room as Hermione inhaled sharply, clutching her tea as if her life depended on it. She looked at Aberforth, clenching her jaw in anger,

"Certainly...certainly you didn't report me? I trusted you-"

"Naw! I wouldn' give nothin to them filthy Death Eaters, not even if my life depended on it. Don't think yer' friend over there would neither,"

Aberforth motioned to Remus, who choked slightly on his tea at being mentioned. Hermione chuckled, before her somber mood slipped back into place,

"So why is he coming to Hogwarts, then? He can't possibly know if we didn't tell anyone,"

Aberforth sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he swirled another small cup of whisky in a hand,

"Information gets around quick these days," he breathed, "'ermiome, I don't think he knows what's goin' on, only that somethin's different. And if He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named doesn't known somethin', he gets antsy,"

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