Chapter 14: Traitor

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"What do you think 'Mione? Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs?"

Lily held up the packages to Hermione, whom was currently observing a small bottle of malt. Turning, the witch lifted a lip and shook her head,

"Neither. Can't you find something better to spend your money on?"

"Like what? Books? No, I may like Potions Hermy but sweets are good too. Maybe you should try it sometime, it might rid you of your bitterness,"

"I'm not bitter," Hermione mumbled, "just worried. Remus is in the hospital wing again, food poisoning,"

"Again? That happened last month too. You'd think the House Elves could take care of that kind of thing,"

"I'm just... hoping he can make it to the meeting tomorrow night. The Order of the Phoenix needs him, as much as it needs everyone else who signed up,"

"Who did sign up?" Lily questioned, deciding to buy both sweets as she made her way to the counter to pay,

"Just about everyone in Gryffindor. The Marauders included,"

"And you don't think that prat Sirius will keep you away from Remus?"

"Any more then you do?" Hermione asked with a light laugh, "you've basically labeled me a prisoner, and I am your charge,"

"Ha, ha very funny," Lily mumbled, tugging her jumper farther over her shoulders as both girls exited Honeydukes into Hogsmesde, "where's the meeting, again?"

"At the Hogs Head, in the back room,"

"Right. Oh! There's James! James! Come on, 'Mione lets go say hi,"

"You go ahead, Lil," Hermione stated, seeing the adoration on her best friends face. Ever since her unexpected arrival, Lily and James had gotten quite close. Hermione was almost certain they were dating, but had yet to actually say anything about it. Waving to Lily as she wandered off to meet James, who was observing something in the opposite window. Smiling at the couple, Hermione turned and wandered down the street. Leaving Hogsmesde behind, she ended up in the small pasture she found herself during her 3rd year with Ronald. Beyond the barbed fence the Shrieking Shack stood quietly, a pillar of what Hermione once saw as fear. The only reason it Shrieked was because it was the home of Moony the werewolf...

"Remus," Hermione whispered, leaning against the fence, "ugh what am I doing?"

"Good question, dearie. Crucio!"

Hermione screeched as red light filled her vision, and pain swam through her body. It was a familiar pain, one that Hermione traveling back to the hard, cold floor of Malfoy Manor. As the pain lessened, the young witch forced her teeth down onto her tongue, staring at the figure whom was now leaning over her. Though she wasn't familiar in face, Hermione knew those Dark, crazed marble eyes anywhere,

"Bella-" Hermione growled, wincing as her ribs slowly shattered from inside her body,

"Filthy blood traitor, you," Bellatrix snapped, kneeling and forcing her crooked wand into Hermione's soft throat, "I can't believe we're related-"

"Are you going to kill me, Bella?" Hermione asked, though this was not Hermione Granger. That scared little girl was was hauled up in the back of her mind, as Hermione Black was front and center now. The Slytherin Princess felt herself laughing, actually laughing in the face of Bellatrix Black, her cousin,

"I'm not going to kill you, at least not yet," Bella croaked, showing off a beautiful row of white teeth, "I'm going to have my fun first, as the Dark Lord said so. He gave me such power you know, we could have been great,"

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