Dean Ambrose

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Name: Sophia Reyes
Age: 29
Career: U.S. Navy
Rank: Lieutenant

 Navy Rank: Lieutenant Looks:

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Dean Ambrose

I was at the arena right now. We're at Tribute to the Troops and tonight is both a bitter and amazing night.

Amazing because we get to celebrate and appreciate the soldiers that risk their lives to keep our country safe.

Bitter because... well... my wife of 2 years is in the Navy. Her name is Sophia Reyes. We got married in July of 2014. She was a diva then we got married and then... she joined the navy.

It's been 3 years since then and we've been going strong. Last time I saw her was 4 months ago.

I miss her so much.

"Hey, man!" I hear.

I turn to see Seth and Roman.

"Hey." I say.

"You good?" Roman asks.

"Yeah." I say.

He nods. I knew he was silently asking how I'm doing with the whole tribute to the troops and Sophie tonight.

"Look, Dean, I know that we're not even remotely close to that place we use to be at but... I just wanna know if you're okay. I know you miss Sophia since she's out there risking her life every day and then tonight... it's tribute to the troops." Seth says.

"I'm uh... I'm aright. You kinda said it for me, I miss her and I do wish she was by my side with me but she's out there doing her thing... she misses you." I say.

"She does?" He asks, genuinely shocked.

"Yeah... I talked her a few weeks ago and she said to tell you hi and she hopes you kick Kevin's ass." I say.

He chuckles.

"How is she? Where she at? Do you know?" He asks.

"She's good. Nah I'm not sure. I think San Diego or something like that." I say.

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