Seth Rollins

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Requested by and dedicated to: @I_LOVED_YOU_FRIST



Name: Katherine Elena Rodriquez
Age: 28
Career: U.S. Army Soldier
Rank: Sergeant

 Army Soldier Rank: Sergeant Looks:

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Seth Rollins' POV

I got to work and walk into my locker room then get ready for tonight. Tonight is the big night. The reuniting of The Shield. I'm excited and thankful.

Life hasn't been easy without them. Or her. All four of us together. I miss her so much.

You're probably wondering who I'm talking about. I'm talking about my fiancé.

Sergeant Rodriquez.

Her dream was to see The Shield reunite. I hope she sees it somehow.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I say, adjusting my top.

"Hey man. You ready?" Dean asks and I turn to see him and Roman walk in.

"Yeah." I say.

"What's up, Lopez?" Roman says.

Damn. He only uses my last name when he's dead serious.

"Just thinkin about Kat." I say.

Immediately their moods saddened, too. They were so close to her. The three musketeers.

"How she doing?" Roman asks.

"Haven't heard from her in a few weeks." I say.

"How long has it been since you've seen her?" Dean asks.

"A year." I say.

"Damn, bro." Roman says.

I nod.

"Come on. Lets just get this reunion started." I say.

Roman puts his fist in.

"For Katherine." He says.

"For Katherine." Dean says, putting his fist in.

"For Katherine." I say, putting mine in as well.

We then leave and Roman goes out first.

Once we got behind the curtain, the entire roster was there. The Authority stood in front, smiling. The hell?

"Boys... we have a surprise in light of your reunion. You considered her a member so we figured what's a SHIELD reunion without all the members?" Stephanie asks.

Huh? The guys and I look at each other, confused.

"Everyone, please welcome home after a year long deployment in North Korea, Seth Rollins fiancé, Sergeant Katherine Rodriquez!!" Hunter says.

I look ahead and crouch, holding my face as I see my fiancé. She had that gorgeous smile on her face as she comes over.

I stand up and meet her halfway then lift her off the ground in a hug. She hugs me back as everyone claps and cheers. I put her down and kiss her.

I missed her so much. It's been hell with her not being here. We'd been dating on and off since 2013. I met her at a Asking Alexandria concert. She was dragged along by a friend. We just clicked.

I proposed at the airport... right before she left.

I pull back and she smiles moving my hair.

"I missed you." I say.

"I missed you, too." She says.

I peck her lips then she looks to Dean and Roman, who were teary eyed too.

"Go." I say.

She smiles then runs into Joe's open arms. He lifts her up in a mostly likely a bear hug. She laughed then went to Dean.

Dean smirks then lifts her up in a spinning bear hug as she laughs. He puts her down then she motions me to go over. I do and we have a group hug.

"A true SHIELD reunion!" Vince shouts.

We laugh, pulling away then Vince comes over. He extends his hand to Katherine and she takes it.

"I personally wanna thank you for everything you do for this country." Vince says.

"Just doing my job, sir." Katherine says.

Vince nods then Stephanie and Hunter follow his actions. We then leave and the four of us go to the local diner.

She got so much attention and thanks once we got there. We sat across from Roman and Dean at the booth. We had privacy since we were away from everyone in there.

We spent the whole night talking and laughing and just catching up. It was amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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