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For the past couple of days, there has been one word so potently illusive within his thoughts. Almost mockingly, begging him to pick it apart and analyze its meaning, its significance.

What does it mean? What did it have to do with him? A boy who has unfortunately stumbled upon something so profound and inexplicable?

"Love. You've forced us to accept you whilst you rip us apart from limb to limb, in heartbreak and mental turmoil. Love, you are no friend of mine, you are the enemy that takes the little that I can afford to give, abusing it in your clutches, you nymph!"

"Ruiner of men, ruiner of compassion and understanding! Waste me away oh love for I have rebelled against your wishes and fallen for the sea and not the land. Break my heart and rip it from my still beating chest for I have been where the sun hardly shines and the birds don't fly. Take me oh deity of the sea;

For I have fallen for a beautiful creature like thee."

a fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish, conventionally depicted as beautiful and with long flowing hair.

"Hey, what ya got there?" Jungkook's head flew up, over grown hair flapping into his face as he stared at the stature of his best friend who came bounding towards him. A bright smile plastered against his face as he grew closer. Smiling in return, Jungkook reciprocated his wave before pulling his bag closer to him. Closing the book that he was just mindlessly reading, engaged and aloof of the drifting world around him.

"Nothing too fascinating, what's up Tae?" The younger of the two asked, brushing it off as he gathered his things. Attempting to keep the book out of sight. How embarrassing would it be to be caught reading a book about the myths of the sea? Surely, less embarrassing if you were a child and not a college student. Shrugging his shoulder, Jungkook watched as Taehyung pulled out the chair in front of him and sat down.

"I'm so screwed!" The boy exclaimed. "That math test just busted my nuts man!" He groaned loudly, completely forgetting that they were in the middle of a library and not outside. Sighing and rolling his eyes as the heads turned to glare in their direction, Jungkook quietly shushed his friend.

"Well if you studied like I told you to—Who am I kidding?" He mocked, chuckling to himself because Jungkook knew that if Taehyung failed, he deserved it in some sick malicious way. He's asked him numerous times to study with him, but I suppose that girls and partying held more importance than grades did.

"Ah Kookie, studying is for the weak." Taehyung argues, leaning over and ruffling Jungkook's hair before the boy could slap his hand away in agitation. Quickly fixing his hair back to its original state, Jungkook grabbed up the book and the rest of his belongings before standing up and making his way towards the door.

"I said to stop calling me that." The youngest muttered, walking away as Taehyung began to trial behind the embarrassed boy. The eldest lengthening his strides in order to sling his arm around Jungkook's shoulder. After countless attempts of trying to brush his arm from around him, he gave up, getting lost in his thoughts once more.

Jungkook's been having these reoccurring dreams, dreams where he's being engulfed in the deep dark depths, a place where air is a luxury. He often found himself being choked up by his own negligence. Unaware of how to help himself. Then as if by chance, there was something, a glimmer. Something so intangible yet he yearned to touch it just once.

But, as soon as he reached his thin, pale hand outwards it, it would disappear and he'd be hauled back to reality, sweat soaking his body.

"Jungkookie, kookie! Are you listening to me?"

The startled boy looked over to see Taehyung staring at his friend with wide eyes, questions lingering on his lips as he gazed at him expectantly.

"Huh? Yea," Jungkook muttered, clueless as to what his hyung had previously asked. "Look, I gotta get going okay, I'll talk to you later." He muttered lowly, hiking his bag further up his shoulder. Completely ignoring what Taehyung was about to say before turning on his heels and sped walked towards his dorm room. The book from earlier clutched tightly in his hand.

Knuckles turning a ghostly white.

Greek mythology contains stories of the god Triton, men worshiping mermaid goddesses to this day. Mermaids were often associated with bad luck and misfortune. They lured errant sailors off course and even onto rocky shoals, much like their cousins, the sirens — beautiful, alluring half-bird, half-women who dwelled near rocky cliffs and sung to passing sailors.

Blah. Blah. Blah!!

Groaning, Jungkook pushed the laptop from off of his lap and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what the hell had been going on with him but lately, Jeon Jungkook hasn't been feeling himself and he needs to get back into the feel of things. What has gotten into me? Mermaids? Bullshit, that doesn't even make any sense.

"Mermaids aren't real Jungkook," He whispered to himself, those are just myths, myths created to scare kids. Licking his lips, he leaned over to his bed side table and flicked on the light before picking up the book from earlier.

Sea Foam.

—Slowly, my eyes drifted towards the trunk     of her body, fear quaking my feeble being as I          reached my hand out to trail along the silvery end of her entity that resembled that of a fish.

"How could this be?" I asked myself, the texture smooth, slippery and grossly slimy as the fin flapped beneath us, swishing back and forth as if to calm the torrent of emotions that flowed throughout my veins.

    I wasn't sure what I was doing, should I really be in the arms of this woman, a woman with a tail longer than me? Should I be staring so deeply into her large round eyes? Those eyes that fogged my brain as we held tightly onto each other.

          No I shouldn't be! I'm not supposed to be here,  enthralled in her bright eyes that held judgement and something more that I lacked in understanding.

          I must resist the urge to touch her golden hair that held an ethereal glow to each strand that floated around us like a cocoon. As each thought of reality and my fight to return faded away, I slowly leaned up, wanting to place my lips against the pink of hers.



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