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"Dude, what are you doing? You've been reading that book all day." I rolled my eyes not even bothering to fight back as Taehyung leaned over and plucked the hardcover from my grasp. Turning it around and looking it over before letting out a bellowing laugh. "Mermaids?" He chuckled, pointing at the beautifully drawn cover art.

"So?" I asked growing a bit upset at his disregard. "What's the matter with reading? You should try it sometimes." I bit, snatching the book back and tossing it on the night stand. I was about to roll over and get under my covers when he suddenly ripped the sheets from my hand, causing me to stare up at him in complete and utter annoyance.

"Hurtful! But anyways, get dressed. We're gunna be late for the party." Taehyung smiled, raising an eyebrow before stumbling towards our shared bathroom, unzipping his tight skinny jeans as he did. Party? What party? Oh, that thing he's been texting me about.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you. I've got work in the morning." I responded, situating myself back into the comforters of my small twin sized bed. I was overgrowing this shit already. Guess I'll have to save up for a bigger dorm. Speaking of work, I haven't even washed my work uniforms yet. Yup! Now I'm going to have to wear a pair of my dirty ones. It's not like I don't work at an aquarium, it'll get fishy anyways.

"Seriously Kookie, you're such a buzz kill!" Taehyung popped his head through the corner of the bathroom door, toothpaste foam forming a goatee on his face as I flipped him off. "Real mature Kookie!" He spat, paste flying everywhere. "Just come to the damn party, you'll have fun. I promise." Sighing, I sat up to get a better look at his face.

"No. I'm not going anywhere with you and even if I do, all you're going to do is just leave me for some chick!" I pouted, crossing my arms as he came out ass naked to grab a towel from the dirty pile on his large bed that took up nearly half of the room before running back into the bathroom.

"I'm not even going to answer that!" He yelled over the shower. "But you're coming and that," He quipped, emphasizing the "that". "I know for sure." I didn't even bother replying as I clicked off the lights and snuggled further into my sheets. I was tired and my earlier thoughts were still buzzing lively in my mind.

If I was being completely honest, there was something so frightening about the fact that I feared closing my eyes. I knew that I would be sucked right back into that reoccurring dream. I knew not what it meant yet, I wanted to figure it out. It was like a gnawing sensation, tickling my mind as the sweet sound of an eerie voice lulled me to sleep. I didn't want it yet still for some reason, I accepted it.

"Kookie get the hell up! We're leaving!"

I was just starting to fall asleep when a cold hand came down against my cheek, not slapping me hard enough to get me angry but just to wake me up.

"Please Hyung I beg you, just leave me the hell alone and go to your fucking party." I gritted my teeth, covering my eyes in attempts to block the flashing lights out.

"Look..." The older male trailed off, reaching out to rip the sheets from my shivering body. "I'll make you a deal, come to this one party with me and I'll pass my next math test." He pleaded, eyes growing wide in an attempt to suck me into his deal. "Please!" He pouted, changing tactics. "That super hot girl you've been wanting to bang for months now will be there. What's her name? JiYeon? Something like that."

"JiHye, her name is JiHye." I sighed, sitting up and flinging the covers off my body. I was getting real fed up with his insistent nagging, I might as well just suck it up and go. "Fine I'll go, but if anything happens to me, I'll have your head." I muttered, stretching as I got up.

"This is gunna be good, so I heard that...." Ignoring his cataract of gossip and information, I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a band tee from my drawer before haphazardly changing into them. Muttering obscenities under my breath as I did.

"Can we go?" I griped, pulling Taehyung away from the small mirror as he was in the midst of styling his fluffy hair. The slight tinge of his natural brunette hair color peaking through the vibrantly dyed blonde he had at the moment. "I swear to God, if it's not..."

"I assure you, it's gunna be fucking amazing." He smiled his square smile before batting his lengthy lashes at me as we made our way through the campus and towards his car. The luxurious vehicle out competing the small red wagon that was sitting shyly beside it.

Taehyung was very well off, that was one of the reasons why he didn't really care about his education. In fact he's privileged to the point where his father took it upon himself to build half of the school compound. So in retrospect, failing a class was no problem to him. He already had a future in a company that he hardly knew anything about.

Sighing, I tuned out his talking as I watched the road we were taking, straight towards the beach houses near the port. The houses there were massive, a place only the rich could afford.

"So, are you going to ask her out anytime soon? I personally think you should, have you seen her ass?" Tae's deep voice vibrated, suddenly pulling me out of my reverie as he jabbed me in the side with his bony ass elbow.

"Wait, who am I asking out again?" I quipped, raising an eyebrow as he sped down the wide road, weaving through the on going traffic whilst simultaneously ignoring about half the traffic signs before I could say anything. "Damn it, will you slow the hell down idiot?"

"I'm not even...stop trying to change the fucking subject. Are you going to ask Ji-whatever out or are you gunna keep jacking off to her picture?" He yelled jokingly as he slowly pulled into a parking spot on the side of the road.

I ignored him, my cheeks going red at the thought of the short mousy girl I've had a crush on for months now. Slowly, I scrutinized the large mansion before us, the structure vibrating with music as happily oblivious people went through and fro.

"I wasn't trying to change the subject but, how did you even get invited to this shit? Doesn't Kim Namjoon live here?" I spun around in my seat, eyes bulging. Kim Namjoon is very smart guy but he was also a smart ass, not the best combination but he could be cool I guess. I didn't personally know him and neither did Tae, I think. I mean who am I kidding, he fell right in place with these rich assholes.

"No one invited me," He replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out, me following right behind as I stared up at the building with wide eyes. Isn't this typically an invitation only kinda thing? Ugh! I knew that I wasn't going to like this. For fuck sake Jungkook! I muttered under my breath as I blindly followed my friend's lead, almost tripping over my own two feet as we walked up the drive way.

"Are you ready to have the time of your life?" Taehyung smiled, turning around to shoot me double finger guns, almost tripping as we approached the door. Pulling my lip between my teeth, I nodded as he slowly pushed past the coagulated bodies that lingered at the entrance, smoke and thumping music immediately shaking my body as we stepped foot through the door.

I just wanna go....


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