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"Now go. Find me Jungkook, help me."

The same sweet voice whispered before the cold icy sting of ocean water whipped harshly against my heated skin, jolting me awake to what seemed to be another world. My eyes flew open to dark skies and rushing winds. This world being far darker and threatening than the last. More frightening than my own mind.

The soft eerie sound of water beneath my bare feet jolted my mind to. The waves causing my blood to sing as I stared out at the vast ocean before me. Strong billowing waves slapping harshly against the jagged mountainous rocks before rolling in gently to sweep against my feet delicately.

My head was pounding and my mind unclear. The only image that I could make out was the distinctive shape of sultry red lips. The dreams were getting strong, more illusive. So vivid to the point where I could feel everything to the little goosebumps rising against my frozen skin.

My limbs felt heavy and led like, as though I weighed a thousand pounds and no matter how hard I tried to move, I couldn't. The world seemed to be ever spinning beneath me, creating this abrupt urge to throw up the lump in the back of my throat. Of all days I decided to get wasted, this day was the worst day for me. I am a terrible drunk.

"That's it! I'm just drunk!" I laughed out loud to no one but myself, my throat dry and scratchy. My voice hoarse as I forced the words to roll off of my parched tongue. Everything felt so sore.

"I'm not here standing on some beach, I'm not losing my fucking mind!" I tried again, cracking a laugh as I looked around frantically. Eyes growing wild with fear as I saw how truly desolate everything before me was. Everything was at a standstill, my mind blank. "This is a dream...only a dream." I groaned in defeat.

Defeated, I flung my body down onto the soft damp sand beneath my feet, kicking and thrashing my lanky body in pure vexation before laying there in utter frustration. Staring up at the stars with only raging anger festering in the depths of my mind, I sighed thinking of all the things I shouldn't have done.

I shouldn't have taken that drink, I shouldn't have taken that blunt. And most importantly, I shouldn't have been sucked into Taehyung's plan. All these things I shouldn't have done. All these regrets I have and he's the one to blame.

"Jungkook," I flew up, it was that voice again. "Jungkook, find me." It begged, cold winds caressing the paleness of my frozen cheeks like a whisper. Luring me into an immediate upright position, my sand covered hair whipping around in the powerful gusting winds as I searched frantically. Searching for the origin of the voice, for who it belonged to.

"Who are you? Ho-how am I supposed to? Please tell me!!" I begged, I longed to know the origin of the voice, who those sweet red lips belonged to. I would do anything to get this fucking voice out of my head! It was driving me mad.

"Please..." And with that one final plea, the voice ceased and silent fell. The only source of sound was the sound of the sea crashing onto the towering rocks. Grabbing onto the strands of my hair, I gripped them tightly, flinging my head back in frustration before letting out a guttural scream.


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