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"Stop it! Stop screaming!" A deep voice gurgled
Almost indistinguishable. As if it was being muffled by still deep waters. "Kookie, for fuck sake you're gunna be late." My eyes suddenly flew open, tanned skin drenched along with the covers surrounding my already sweating figure.

"Where am I?" Was the first thing that came to my foggy mind. What am I doing here? Who am I? What happened? No matter how hard I tried to remember every aspect of what happened the night previous, it was as if there was a shield blocking the memories I've long forgotten.

"Look, never mind that," The blurry figure in front of me spoke. "You gotta get going. Put these on." Grasping for some sort of reality, I obeyed, stumbling over my two feet as I attempted to get my feet through these....what even are these?

"Waaait...." I drawled, trying to find some middle ground in thought. I simply couldn't wrap my mind around anything at the moment. "What am I late for again?" I hiccuped.

A loud groan was heard before I was shoved towards the door. "I'm never taking you out ever again!" The blonde haired man groaned behind me, his strong grip on my arm forcing me to wake up. "Who told you take the pill? You're such a pussy I swear to god!"

      Pill? What pill?

"Also who the hell is that?!" I yelled through the door as he slammed it straight into my face, my already confused and hurt features contouring into pain and perplexity. There was someone laying sprawl in my bed. The only glimpse I was able to catch from my blurred vision and hazy mind was the slender and delicate figure of a woman. A woman with the softest olive skin that I've ever had the luxury of witnessing.

Holy crap, did I just hallucinate that or did I fuck that chick?

"Shut the hell up and go to work!!" Taehyung's deep voice yelled, shaking the foundation of not only the dorm room that we shared but scarily, also my entire being. Rubbing me eyes, I cleared my throat before turning on my heels, almost shitting myself after discerning that I was only wearing boxer shorts. One of my arms sticking through my work shirt sleeve whilst the rest laid around my neck. I shivered, sizing up the pair of pants in my hands as a red flush coated my cheeks.

I quickly fixed my sleepy form before dashing out of the dorm building, tripping and falling flat on my face as I was about to cross the parking lot to hop onto my small blue moped. Revving the engine and bounding towards the highway, successfully dodging and weaving my way through the slow college students.

I'm in deep shit!

My day was filled with slurred words and confused expressions.

The frustrated gaze of a manager and the scared look of a bewildered child being all too potent as I attempted to do my job as I regularly would. Yet, the missing memories were driving me up the wall.

I too was bewildered, lost and confused as to what happened the night before. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but the stern talking to I received as I came barreling into work, looking a disheveled mess quickly sobered me up.

Placing my thumping head against the cool glass of the stingray exhibit, I groaned at the refreshing feeling. The compulsion to empty my stomach right here and now slowly dissipating as I took in deep slow breaths. In....out.... in through the nose, out through the mouth. I coached myself.

My short dark brown hair sticking clammily to my forehead as I stood there, chest heaving rapidly as I forced myself to remember the previous nights events. Biting my bottom lip, I released a light grunt as the thick suffocating fog within my starved brain lifted only slightly. The rest of work consisted of me slugging around tiredly, lips chapped and body heavy.

The only thought on mind my was the need to talk Taehyung and to figure out what the hell actually happened last night. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I quickly wrote him a message before compulsively deleting it on numerous anxiety filled occasions. But as if by a stroke of misfortune, a memory from earlier suddenly slapped me across my splotchy cheek.

   Message to: Tae.

  Hey dude, do you wanna come to this party with me?
             Yesterday 4:12 PM.

  Answer me! We're going to a party get ready by 11.
              Yesterday 6:56 PM

     What did you do to me?!
What pill?!!
Fuck you hyung!!!
This is all your fault....

Sighing, I clicked my phone screen shut before making my way to my moped after clocking out of work, placing my helmet on and mounting the vehicle.

      What did you do to me?!
What pill?!!
Fuck you hyung!!!?
This is all you fault....

Read 5:03 PM

Don't you dare blame this shit on me!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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