Episode 4: Uh Oh!

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Duncan's POV:

Last night me and Courtney went all the way.. Which is what I wanted.. But she hasn't been acting normal.. "Princess?" "Y-Yes?" "What's Wrong?" "I'll tell you later when we have more p-privacy." She moaned mad held her stomach. Okay this is officially weird.. "Court I'm going to take a walk.." "Okay.. Be back soon and take ur phone, just in case.." "Okaaay.?" I grab my phone and walk outside.. I need to sort things out.. I know she's not sick because she wasn't complaining earlier.. I go to a tree and carve Courtney's Face into the tree. Courtney called me "D-Duncan?" "Yes?" "P-Please come back to the cabin.. I need to tell you s-something important.." "Uh.. I'm coming'" I had a nervous look and ran to the cabin

Courtney's POV:

Pregnant. I know I'm Pregnant.. I snook into Gwen and Cody's cabin and got into their bathroom the whore she is I knew she would have left a pregnancy test. Lucky me. She did. I took it and snook back into me and Duncan's cabin. He arrived just in time. "What's wrong?" "D-D-Duncan.." "Y-Yes.?" "I have a pregnancy test.. I think I need to use it.. " "who brings a pregnancy test to a summer camp?" "Gwen!" I laugh and walk into the cabin with him. "Duncan. I'm scared!" I started to cry "Awe Princess.. Don't cry.." He hugged me and carried me to the bathroom "I love you Princess and whatever happens I'll be right here beside you." This guy.. Oh my making me go all emotional and shit! I start to cry again and hug him "I love u too.." I took the test and it was positive. "Y-yay!" I hug him "y-you can't be pregnant.. Your parents will fucking kill me!" "Dunky.. Uhm.. I don't think they'll kill you.." We walk out and sit on our bed. "Babe, how am I going to get ultrasounds done on this summer camp?" I sat on him "we'll be fine.. I'm sure there is a nurse.."

Zoey's POV:

Courtney is pregnant? What a whore!

Duncan's POV:

This I uh I can't believe this but I'm going to be right beside her. I'm planning on asking her to marry me.. Does anyone know where to get a diamond ring on this camp??! Lucky me... Chris has one. It isn't to shabby either! Score! I take it back to our cabin and hide it.. Somewhere she'll never look.. Her nail polish bag.. I put a note on the dresser *princess, I'm taking you on a dinner date.. Be ready love.:) ~Dunky* I put the ring in her nail polish bag because she's a girl going in a dinner date. She's gonna paint her nails but just to make sure she does, I have Bridgette talk to her

Courtney's POV:

Duncan is taking me on a dinner date!! Yay! I hear someone.. I turn around and it's bridge "oh hey Bridge!" "Hey. I heard you're going on a dinner date with dunk. Want me to help you get ready?" "Sure!" We walk into the bathroom but don't shut the door so the cameras no we're not looking for privacy. "Hmm.. Courtney.. How bout.. We paint your nails?" "Sure!" I grab my nail polish bag and pick up something that is glittering. I drop my bag in shock "what is it court?" "A-a ring." "Like an engagement ring??!!??" "Y-yes." "You okay.?" "Where is he?" I grab my PDA my only thing to communicate on and call duncan "Hello?" "Duncan.. Where are you???" "The kitchen setting up our dinner date with a couple friends" "we'll come out I need to tell you something.." "Okay Princess." I hang up put the ring on my ring finger and run outside. "Hey." "Y-Yes.." "Huh?" "Yes. I'll marry you!" I start to cry and hug him. He's smiling. And I know.. I'm going to be okay.

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