Tell The Moon And The Stars

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When the night doesnt let you sleep
And you don't know where your thoughts to keep
Just look up at the stars and stare
Just tell 'em about the stories we share.

How I always know what you're gonna say
How we just talk about our day
The way we laugh at nothing great
Like we cannot stop at any rate.

Oh yes there's the moon, tell him too
Tell him how we're just like you
Like the stars and him make up the night
Likewise together we get everything right.

The world around tries to beat us down
But that smile never turns into a frown
Cause we know together we can tackle any range
Distances may grow but the love doesn't change.

And if the stars don't believe you nor does the moon
Dont you feel down honey they will know it very soon
Cause our love is an echo that will forever ring
And this will be our song that every lips will sing.

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