Pretty Little Lies

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I tell myself you need me
Just to realise its not so

I console myself its not true
But the truth is even more low

I'm there to pick you up
Whenever you think you're gonna fall

But now I'm lying on the floor
And being lone here says it all

I think you would think of me
But that's just another lie

Because I think of you everytime
But your silence slowly makes me die

I wish you could see
What I have seen in your eyes

So that you can see the pain I feel
And every single dream that dies

You're not the same when you're with me
And not the same when the world's around

Glad to see you tell 'em about your princess
And hurt that my name is not pronounced

And I still stand here waiting
Wishing at those stars above

Knowing its not gonna happen
But praying all I need is love

Cause I know I'm not the one for you
And even this will never be

But how do I erase this truth? 
That you're the only one for me

But I'll surely meet you in my dreams
The only place where you'll be mine

And there won't be any tears I'll cry
Like I do today under the stars divine

There will be just us
And no sign of pain

I'll build you up a paradise
And thats where peace I'll attain

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