I Will

28 4 2

And I'll still search for you
In every single street I go
Just in case it might be so
That you'll be waiting for me too

And I'll still go that city park
Where once we were holding hands
How we used to play there in the sands
And the way we lay there in the dark

And I'll still stay up all night
Like we used to do always
Just to hear what the other says
And I think I'll feel alright

And I'll still hear your name
Even when there's no one around
I'll chase and keep following the sound
Until everything turns back the same

And I'll still remember you whenever I pray
No matter where you go
You won't be coming back I know
And I'll accept you weren't meant to stay

And I'll still love you the way
I used to do with all I had
And I'll keep loving you that bad
Until death takes my breath away

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