Charm of a Writer | Morro X Reader (Lemon)

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You froze in your doorway, walking into your room, only to find yourself in one of the most embarrassing (albeit hot) situations you've ever been in.

You were a writer. You wrote stories, played with language, and had lots of fun letting your creativity go wild. This, of course, also meant some mature stuff. Like sex things. You had to admit, you were a very good porn writer. The way you could describe the two characters' feelings and thoughts throughout the heated scenes were interesting to say the least.

So why was this relevant to the situation you currently find yourself in? Because someone was actually there, reading something you were drafting. And yes, it was a sex scene. And who else to be literally pumping his own cock, face glowing with blush, precum dripping from the tip of his slit, than Morro?

You didn't say anything. You were too flustered to speak. He was moaning, panting, and humming as he flicked his wrist, jerking his throbbing, wet cock back and forth, with more and more of his hot, sticky liquid spilling from the tip. Every now and then, he'd look up to read the next sentence in the scene he was reading, moaning slightly at the descriptive words you used. You thought you heard him grunt under his breath something like how much he "wished he had something vibrating up his ass," but you might've been mistaken.

Almost suddenly, he jerked his head back as a white liquid coated his stomach and hand as he pumped himself dry. He laid back onto your bed, finishing up the story before setting it down on the table beside your bed. He was panting heavily, and closed his eyes, not to sleep, but to regain some of his energy. You had a full, clear look of his body (as he had taken his shirt off and his pants were down around his thighs), and so you took a moment to stare.

His face was peaceful, his eyes closed and his mouth in a smirk. You always loved his smirk, how it was slightly crooked in the sense that the left side of his mouth was just a tad bit more expressive than the right.

Your eyes wandered to his chest, still heaving to try and catch his breath. He wasn't too muscular, but he had a nice tone. His stomach was covered in his white and gooey semen, and was decently toned.

His pelvis and hips were shaped nicely. His cock was now flaccid, but even then it just looked so big. His legs were spread out wide enough that you could see his balls, and how amazingly hot his whole "area" looked.

"Oh, hey," he stirred upon seeing you eyeing him up and down. "I was just reading that thing you wrote and uh... Damn. I couldn't help myself." He sat up, facing you, and motioned for you to come a bit closer to him. You had already shut the door, so you walked over to him, sitting on the edge of your bed, facing you. You averted your eyes to meet his gaze.

"You know," he said. "I don't mind you staring."

He sat with his legs spread out wide, thrusting his pelvis in your direction, giving you a perfect view of his cock and balls, as well as his ass.

"You caught me in a good mood," he said. He murmured in a hot and sexy tone, "Touch me."

You wanted this as badly as he did. "You know," you said, "I walked in about a minute before you came."

"So you saw me jacking off?"


"And you saw me orgasm?"


Morro closed his eyes, smiling softly. "If I had known you were there, I would've cum a lot faster. The thought of you watching me masturbate is actually kind of hot." He then grabbed your hand and led it to his soft cock. "Please, touch me."

You felt the length of his shaft begin to stiffen in your hand, as Morro let out some soft moans. Soon enough, his thick penis was hard again, and it was throbbing.

Your brain then hatched a brilliant idea. "You know," you began, "I could read you something while I do this."

Morro hummed in response. "Hnngh... Yes, please..."

You quickly grabbed your phone, pulling up something you had been typing. You began to read as you wrapped your fingers around Morro's aching erection. You began to speak in a low, sexy voice.

"The ghost's fingers dug into the girl's bedsheets as he wailed out in pleasure, euphoria shooting throughout his body. The girls fingertips rhythmically pumped the hot ghost's cock, hearing him cry out her name. The girl, wanting to tease him past his limits, took a careful finger and teased his ballsack, getting even more moans out of the ghost."

You proceeded to run a finger or two over Morro's balls, causing him to moan even more.

"The ghosts hips bucked upward, creating more friction between his aching, throbbing, hard cock and her cold hands. His dick was so amazing to feel, it was so different from the warmth of his other flesh. It was like a hot shaft wrapped in hot velvet, it's nice smooth yet rough texture pooling over her fingertips and sending warmth throughout both of their bodies. His penis was so intoxicating to her, like an object of her fantasies she never thought she'd see."

And that was about when Morro came hard. His dick twitched as his hot, sticky cum spilled and spurted out, and my god, it was a hot sight to see.

Morro collapsed after that, and literally passed out on the spot, that's how tired he was.

"Goodnight, Mor-Mor."

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