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Paradox and Haru looked at each other like if they were talking. It seemed they came to an agreement. They both Lifted up Reader. They put her on the bed and they began hitting her. They kicked and punched her as she screamed. They both loved her crying face. She tried to get up but a punch kept her down. She began bleeding and they stopped. She was bruised and in pain. "You broke her!" Shouted Paradox. Haru sighed, "She's just bruised, give her a break." Paradox jumped up and started licking off the blood. Reader squirmed. Both brothers left the room giving the Reader some time to rest. Once she got up she slowly went downstairs to hear the brothers talking. "I'll buy her from you!" "She's mine though!" "Can We Share!" "I WANT HER" "P-Please let us share" "FINE... Let's make a plan." I get her all night, you get her all day starting tomorrow" Reader didn't know who was talking. The whole night she walked around not able to sleep. The next morning Paradox screamed, "I have you all day! Brother has you all night!" She grunted quietly. "Okay.." She said. Reader trembled slightly as Paradox wrapped his arm around her waist the images of them beating her mercilessly yesterday haunted her as did the pain, Paradox spent the day giving reader a tour of the massive castle, you had to admit that it was beautiful all the art was amazing and the scenery was breathtaking. She looked around in awe. Paradox was glad to see her so happy. Haru had been following behind them quietly just to see her. He slowly grown to be a bit crazier. Reader had thought that if she did what they said. One day she would have the chance to leave. But maybe later on she decided she wouldn't leave. Reader had slowly started to relax during the tour. They walked and walked for a long time until they reached the end. When they turned around they saw Haru. Paradox yelled, "Go! She's mine for now!" Haru nodded and looked down at Reader then he walked away. Paradox held you closer. Reader muttered, "You're so close." 

Mood Swings |Yandere Twins X Female Reader|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin