Chapter 2

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Darkness, darkness was everywhere. Not like that was new.

Aelin had grown used to the endless darkness in the months she had been here. Was it 8, or nine now? Gods she couldn't even begin to care how long she had been down there. Nobody was coming for her so why bother hoping at all?

In the first 2 weeks, she had let herself hope. She had let herself imagine Rowan coming for her. Of course she had know it was a futile thing to wish, he was a trained warrior and would get the job done, but that hadn't stopped her from hoping.

She remembered the first day she was in that iron coffin. The cuts from her earlier whipping still hurt, she would not give in to Maeve's taunts. They would not break her. The journey had been short compared to what she had experienced during the long days to Endovier but it was far more painful. Every bump in the road hurt, every breath like poison in her lungs, burning and painful. The air smelt like death, the heat of her body worsening the stench and her mouth had been bound shut by magic.

So many thoughts had ran through her head. Worst of all was the thought of Rowan, she would never see that rugged, beautiful face ever again. She had been expecting that, that was why she had married him the night before. That was why she had given her kingdom the king that they needed, but that didn't stop it from hurting worse then the stinging cuts on her back. What would he think? Would he hate her for not telling him why she had given her kingdom to him? She missed him so god damned much that even the words that had calmed her in the depths of Endovier could not reach her gaping hole of a heart. I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid. I. Will. Not. Be. Afraid. The words did nothing anymore.

She gasped, breaking out of her silent  trance. There was a sudden jab in her side. The pain was so excruciating that she shifted, trying to subside it. It dimmed within a few painstaking seconds and she glanced down to where the pain had come from. Of course she couldn't see anything. She couldn't even use her hand to check if it was a physical wound due to the iron chains binding them to the clammy back of the iron coffin. She sighed and stared back up at the ceiling

She felt the pain again, this time more violent and struggled to catch her breath. What was happening? She began yanking at her chains, pulling with all her weakened strength. They didn't move. This time the pain was to terrible she let out a gut-wrenching cry and a tear trickled down her face. Was this just another form of punishment from Maeve? What was happening?

She couldn't think straight, couldn't breath evenly.

She felt the stabbing pain again and screamed. She yanked at the chains, desperate to escape the pain. Subconsciously, she registered the door opening and immediately shutting again. She screamed again and a male hand clapped against her face. A familiar voice whispered in her ear
"I'm so so sorry." Before she blacked out and fell into a pit of torment.

Realm Of Ashes (Throne of Glass #7)Where stories live. Discover now