Chapter 7

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Their plan was going great until the giant dog got involved. They had just entered the brush, docking their ship out of sight and making the cross in a longboat, When Elides whole body tensed. They were being watched. She glanced at the fae male that stood beside her. He didn't seem fazed, it was almost like watching an animal hunt for dinner. She had to suppress her laugh.

Lorcan was beside her, glaring up at the massive iron block that sat 100 feet away. His expression was murderous. She was tempted to say to him stop glaring at the iron prison, douche. You cant lazer-eye your way in there. But silence was important. Aelin's life depended on it.

As they crept forward, careful not to step on any fallen branches, Elide was reminded of the time when Lorcan and Elide had been in the traveling circus. They were supposed to be collecting water when Lorcan had bleeted in terror.


"What in the mothers realm of darkness was that?" Lorcan bleeted, glancing around. Elide suppressed a laugh.
"The most powerful fae in the world is afraid of an itsy little forest animal, who could have guessed." She teased, flicking him with water. He had been on edge all day and she knew it wasn't nice to tease him this way, but perhaps she wasn't feeling particularly nice at that moment.
"I'm a fae male, I'm not afraid of anything." He grunted, continuing their voyage through the dark forest, towards the river.
She waited abit before she said.
"So, your not even afraid of -" she screamed and hid behind a massive rock on her right, fast and agile and enough that he didn't see her.
"Elide? He asked, scanning every nook and cranny around the forest. She put a hand over her mouth and hoped the rushing water would mask her heartbeat and the wind would mask her scent.
"Elide?" He called, looking almost scared now. The expression on his face was enough to make her fall into a fit of giggles as she emerged from behind the rock.
"Wh-what?." He looked completely duped for a second, before he regained himself.
"You absolute idiot!" He growled, his voice near gutteral. "You could have gotten killed!" He heaved a deep sigh, his muscled chest rising and falling with the motion, and continued towards the river.
"She you are scared of something." she said, still laughing, as she caught up with him.
"Yeah, that I wont be the one to kill you." He muttered to himself.
"What?" She asked, a mocking tone coating her honey sweet voice.
"Nothing." He replied, and the rest of the journey was completed in silence.


Elide blinked, she had been staring. Lorcan turned to look at her and his eyebrows rose. She quickly looked away, telling herself that the heat in her cheeks was from the chill. She needed to get her head in the game, her queens life was at stake.

She shook her head and inched forward, the feeling of being watched not leaving her. Lorcan took lead, hopping over branched and giving her hand signals to indicate where there was traps. She felt tiny in a forest so big, especially next to something to large. The prison, as Elide assumed it wasa prison, stood only 10 feet away when Lorcans whole body froze and he shifted on his feet. She knew that position, it meant danger. She froze and glanced at the hawk that was perched on a branch above Lorcan. He did nothing but watch as a huge, grey wolf slid from the thickest part of the brush, teeth bared. And his eyes, his golden-brown eyes were trained right at Rowan as he snarled and leaped towards them.

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