Chapter 15

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Manon stumbled a bit, grasping for words as this breathtaking woman pierced her with opaque eyes. She didn't know how to reply to that, didn't know the correct response so she opted for

“Well, I want to find the witches who.I've heard so much about, so maybe we can help each other. And you can stop harming my friends.”

The witch glanced over Manons shoulder and smirked. She hesitantly released them and they collapsed in a heap on the ground, sighing. Dorian was the first to rise and Manon could smell the fear leaking off him as he carefully approached her side. The woman stared at him, her perfectly curved eyebrow arching in question. When it seemed that Dorian had become strangely mute in the presence of the creature, Manon answered her question.

“This is Dorian, King of Adarlan, I am Manon,” She hesitated, not sure if she had a title anymore, not sure if this creature would appreciate her title. “And these are my friends.”

The woman seemed to contemplate this for a second before a smile spread across her face - the honey to her bee.

“Welcome Manon, I am Ciarda, and this is my home.” She turned on her heal, cantering back through the door she had used earlier, expecting them to follow.

Manon turned to the Thirteen, exchanging silent messages that had been trained into them from birth. Manon, Dorian and Asterin would enter and the rest of them would search the other doorways, leaving Vesta and Imogen to guard the stairway. Ghislaine looked as if she would argue but Asterin shot her a look that had her immediately backing down. The knot in Manon’s chest tightened, it seemed as if Asterin had a better connection with the Thirteen then she did. It wasn’t as if she was surprised, she had known that Asterin had spent more time with them then she had. It just hurt to know that they trusted her more. None of this was shown on her face as she turned around, calming her rapid heart rate and leading the others into what could be their doom - or their salvation.

If they thought the entry chamber was large, than this was 3x bigger. The room was scarcely decorated, a table to the right hand corner which was laden with a variety of mouthwatering delicacies, bookshelves to the left which toward towards the carved ceiling and the centre was occupied by a concoction of non matching armchairs and a mahogany table. That was where Ceirda was lounging as the door swung shut behind them. It was one of many doors of similar design, all slightly off-kilter grey with golden handles. It was deadly unnerving. Asterin took a seat to the left of Ciarda and Dorian chose one to the right, this left her with the one opposite, directly facing her. She sunk into the seat, taken back by the comfort of it and sighed, she had a feeling this was going to be a long night.

Damn right, lucky I know just how to keep you occupied.

Manon jumped, trying not to let out a distressed noise as she glanced at Dorian. His crystal blue eyes glimmered with amusement as he locked eyes with her. That son of a bitch, using his power to distract her whilst they were in the middle of an important meeting.

I can use my powers for other things you know.

She scowled

Like what?

She swore she felt him smirk as he replied:

Like this.

And before she could do anything, warm familiar hands were massaging her back. She hisbher scowl as she focused in what their host was saying.

“My mate traveled to the White Fang Mountains, planning to find her step sister, saying that she was the long lost descendant of the Crochan’s. We found her body a week later, her throat slit and bruises marring her skin.” Manons breathing hitched. A spike of fear went down her spine as she remembered that Crochan which she had killed so long ago. Dorian immediately stopped his leasurly trail down her bsck, sensing a change in the mood of the room.

You were made. Not born.

Ciarda continued, oblivious to the tension, slicing the room like a knife
“I have been searching for the witch who committed this atrocity ever since.”

Manon asked, her voice a pitch too high. “What’s the witch's name?”

“Manon Blackbeak.” Fear spiked through her, seconds before an army of female warriors crashed through the doors, blocking every exit and aimed deadly arrows straight at them.

It was a trap.

Realm Of Ashes (Throne of Glass #7)Where stories live. Discover now