Chapter 11

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"Why are we going so deep into the cave? Its not like we're going to find any Crochans in the middle of a dormant volcano." Asterin asked, striding beside Manon as they descended the ancient stone steps. The moss around them signaled that this place had long since been abandoned but Manon had a gut feeling. There was no dust coating the floor and there was an atmosphere here, one that she hadn't felt since leaving Elide behind... Life.

Manon sighed, she still had the need to keep her thoughts private no matter how much the thirteen had proved that she could trust them. But Asterin had shared her darkest secret with Manon. She at least owed Asterin the truth of why they had come here.
"For one. There is a storm raging on outside and Dorian will freeze to death if he doesn't get to warmth. For two, I'm curious. And for three, have you not noticed the fact that this place seems deserted but where is all the dust? Where are the horrible smells? It doesn't seem deserted to me." She breathed in, inhaling a sweet vanilla smell. Almost like someone was... cooking?

Her stomach repulsed. The sweet smell caused a wave of nausea to crash through her. She physically recoiled and Asterin looked at her. They locked eyes, centuries old training allowing them to communicate without words, and hurried their pace. As they descended the stairs, the scenery around them seemed to shift. It slowly turned from a moldy, damp cave to somewhere warmer, more inhabitable. Manon felt the air shift between the thirteen. Tensions ran high as they crossed the last few steps into what seemed like an anti-chamber for a more lavish manor.

The stone walls were draped in silken gold, a home made Chandelier hung from the ceiling and the ground was covered with a carpet of blood red, just the way Manon liked it. The others piled up behind her, gawking at the shimmering expanse.

"What is this?" Asterin said, not bothering to contain the wonder in her voice. Dorian strode to her side and tapped her shoulder. The sharp glance she cast him made him wince but he pointed to the other end of the chamber and Manon's expression went slack. She had no explanation of what she saw there. No thoughts that could process the impossibility of it. But it was there. And it was real. She thought back to what her Grandmother would have said and frowned.
Nothing is impossible, only improbably and those too scared to try.
Don't show your weaknesses in front of the unknown, it will only bite you in the ass.

The mass moved towards the witches with inhuman (or unwitch-like) grace. Manon had seconds to cover her eyes before the screaming began.

So hey guys, I know this isn't a very good chapter, I just don't know where the witches POV is heading yet. I will figure it out and if you have any suggestions please comment them. Im so sorry I haven't posted on a while but I have been buying and reading so many books and I have 18 days to reread ACOTAR and ACOMAF before ACOWAR 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Thanks for reading  and I know I accidentally posted this chapter earlier but its really here now x

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