Ch.1 Annoying

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Flashback /
I hold one to his shirt pleading for him not to leave. Please don't leave , you cried I need you . Stop it already , you are not capable of loving .
      His words are keep repeating in your mind as you wake up from your sleep . My head hurts damn it , I cursed . I've been having these dreams again why can't I let go already for gods sake it's been 3 years from that night .

  Skip time -

     I finally reach school . Ugh I hate this place ,you say while taking off your helmet and getting off your bike.
  Why is everyone so excited and jumping up and down like a fish , you though. As walking into your class .
   You take your seat in the back as always putting in your earphones in and put  your head down. 
   (Y,n) , the teacher yelled out for you to hear through your new music you have put together . I always had a taste in music but no one knew but him . As you were thinking you hear , Ms Jang introducing some new students .
    You didn't care and went back to sleep , but as you put your head down you hear someone settling down next to you in an empty seat .

What the fuck , you muttered.
As you look up you see a blond hair boy glance at you and turns the other way . As he had looked away you were pissed, Why sit here there are other seats , you raised your voice causing students to give dirty looks .

Because I can, now shut up your voice is annoying ,he says with no emotion .
You just put your head back down your hair has covered your face from any light coming through the the Windows . Silently you spoke , it doesn't matter anyways , no one stays for long . You drifted off to sleep .

Author notes -
Well I hope you guys keep reading and find out what happens I will update tomorrow 😊💕❤️👋👏🏻

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