Chapter 7

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Ok my readers.... here is Chapter 7.  


As if it would help at all I locked the bathroom door. Though I knew that if it came down to it the little lock on the door would buy me two extra seconds of life at most. I was still wearing the stupid clothes from the house. Now they had been covered with my dried blood. The hard dark stains were only a reminder of what once was, not that I missed it or anything. I was glad to get rid of them, they nicely in the trash, it suited them well. But I was still unsure about this Stephan character as I got into his shower. Could I really trust him, he was a vampire after all.

I stepped into the shower. The hard material was cold beneath my feet, and sent a shiver up my spine. It only took a few seconds for the water to get hot. I stood there leaning my head against my arms on the cold tile wall. I just let the hot water run over my shoulders. This was the first time in a long time that I had some semblance of peace in my life. I was going to make it last. The hot water washed away all the dried blood that covered my skin, it was even completely tangled in my hair. I felt disgusting. I reached up into the basket that was hanging on the shower head, I fumbled around with a few of the bottles that were within. It took me a few seconds to find what I was looking for. Body wash. Of course all he had was men’s body wash, but did I care. Heck no! I would have used dish soap for all I cared. I flipped the top open and gently squeezed the bottle until a bit of the contents rested in my palm.  I brought my hand up to my nose to smell the scent of the body wash, it was oddly colored, blue with green little round balls in it. I looked back at the bottle ‘For an extra clean feeling.’ Uhh, ok. Apparently body wash wasn’t enough to be clean you needed a little boost to feel extra clean. I laughed to myself at the ridiculousness of it all. But on the flip side, the smell that emanated off of the soap was absolutely wonderful.

When I was in high school I had a boyfriend, and I always enjoyed when he smelled of scents like this. But that was a long time ago, I didn’t blame him for anything if I was in his position, I probably would have broken up with me too. But I pushed back the thoughts of that far away past. I would never go back to that life, I wasn’t the same person then either. So this would be the beginning of my new life. How this was going to work out I was unsure, but I was sure of one thing. I would never go back.

All of this thinking had made me lose track of reality. By the time I was back to conscious thought I had already washed my body, and my hair with conditioner and everything. I ran my fingers through my wet hair to make sure that it felt clean, and just to make sure I ran more water through it. The last thing I needed was to have the water turn pink because there was so much blood stuck in it. My hair had desperately needed this helping hand, but it was finally returning back to the normal brown locks that encompassed my head.

As soon as I felt satisfied with my shower I wrapped a warm fluffy towel around myself. The soft cotton felt wonderful. I had been used to old cheep towels that scratched if you rubbed it too hard. I got dressed in the clothes that Stephan had given me to wear. It was a little odd dressing in his clothes just because he was so tall. It took me a few minutes to adjust the clothing so that everything fit properly. I had to roll the legs and sleeves up because he was so much taller than I was. But in the end I prevailed against his clothes. I looked up and caught myself in the mirror. I was afraid of what I was going to see, but instead I was surprised at the person who stood before me. It was a little difficult to believe that the person looking back at me, was actually me. I looked relatively the same as I remembered, but a little older I figured. But it was my features that stood out most. My hazel eyes stood back in awe, they were more of a brighter yellow brown than I had remembered. My body had magically filled out, back to it’s original shape. No longer was my skin thin and fragile, or my muscles weak and useless. I looked like a normal healthy twenty year old. I stared at my face, my skin was no longer a pale grey, but had a flush of pink to it once again. My eyes were no longer sunken in, and my hair seemed to have come to life.

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