Chapter 5- Maybe I'm Reconsidering

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I want to see where all this is going so I follow.

We walk up the old stairs inside Stefan's old apartment building. They creak under us and I try and ignore the gut-wrenching feeling they are going to collapse underneath me.

We reach his apartment door and Klaus holds up a broken lock inspecting it. "Do you feel that? Is someone here?" he asks, turning over the rusty lock in his hand.

I take the lock from Klaus's hands as Stefan speaks. "It's been vacant for decades. People must break in all the time. Now why did you drag me here?"

I turn the lock over in my hands like Klaus did. I wouldn't be suspicious if it was broken by bold cutters or some other tool, but I recognize the way it bends. Someone supernatural broke this lock. Bolt cutters just don't leave marks like that.

I don't tell Klaus my suspicions. He just continues talking ignoring me and the lock all together. "Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood... I never could figure out why you wanted his name. I mean, most vampires just kill their prey and move on. Not you. You let me in on your little secret, Stefan."

"I write it down," Stefan says, his eyes flickering to Klaus's.

"And relive the kill whenever you please.  Now that, my friend, was genius," Klaus declares, opening the door to the apartment.

All I see is a vacant apartment with only a bed and closet. Klaus walks right up to the closet swinging the door open.

"You believe me now?" Klaus says confidently, smirking all the while. He obviously thinks he's winning his game.

Stefan walks into the closet and turns his head to stare at the wall on the right. He freezes for a second before relaxing. "Look what I found," he says, turning to face us. He pulls out a bottle handing it to Klaus. "1918. Single Malt."

Klaus grins wider and wraps his arm around Stefan's shoulders. "Excellent. Let's go and find someone to pair it with."

They start walking away when I sigh outraged. Klaus does a half-turn and faces me. He drags Stefan along with him.

"Why is it I feel like the third-wheel?" I ask exasperated. I tried not to care, but I was kind of getting fed up with their best friend bonding. "You invited me on this road trip like you wanted me back, Klaus and now all your attention is on Stefan. And Stefan you haven't seen me in over a century. Why aren't you trying to catchup with me? I'm your best friend."

Klaus laughs lightly and releases Stefan from his hold coming to stand in front of me. "You told me you weren't going to take me up on my offer."

I groan and slap his arm. "Maybe I'm reconsidering."

Klaus grins so wide I swear it takes over his whole face. Before I can comprehend what's happening, he sweeps me off my feet and into his arms walking out of the apartment with Stefan trailing behind us. "Let's go find us some dinner, shall we?"

HIS HEART BELONGS TO ANOTHER~ damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now