Part 11

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I asked Ryan if he would like to spend Thanksgiving with my family and I this year. He has never joined us for Thanksgiving before, even though I've offered many times in the past, but this year is different. He's my boyfriend now. Not that my family knows, but I want to spend the holidays with him. My family knows Ryan is my best friend and I plan to keep it that way. Ryan was hesitant to come at first but I told him I insist, especially since he wouldn't be spending it with his family in Canada, because they celebrate Thanksgiving on a different day.

Ryan seems nervous as we drive to Maggie's house. "Calm down, it's going to be fine. My family loves you," I assure him.

"I know but it's different now, don't you think? I know they don't know we are a thing but I feel more obligated to impress them now," he says.

"You do impress them. You always have. No need to be nervous," I say. We come to a red stoplight and I squeeze his hand quickly, reassuring him everything will be fine. I think it's sweet that he's nervous about impressing my family.

Minutes later we pull up outside of Maggie's house. Ryan steps out of the car and straightens his red plaid shirt, and pushes his clipped blonde hair back. He looks fucking adorable when he's nervous and he knows I'm about to comment on it by the look on my face when he mumbles: "Shut the fuck up Jake," under his breath.

Maggie swings open the door and pulls me into an embrace. "Hey Jake," she says in my ear and I greet her back. "Ryan, long time no see," she says, holding her arms out to hug hum.

"Hi Maggie, you look beautiful as always," he says, pulling her into a tight hug. Just like every other female on the planet, my sister is easily charmed by Ryan.

"Thank you," she blushes slightly and Ramona and Gloria come running around the corner screaming my name.

"Hey girls," I say as Gloria jumps into my arms.

"Happy Thanksgiving Uncle Jake," she squeaks with her cute little girly voice and my heart constricts. My nieces are precious and I'm so fucking lucky. "Ryan!" she screeches when she sees him standing next to Maggie.

"Hi Gloria," Ryan says, reaching to hug her. He scoops her up in his arms and she wraps her legs around his chest and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Happy Thanksgiving sweetie," my Mom walks into the room and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thanks Mom," I say. "You remember Ryan?"

"Of course," she says, leaning in to kiss Ryan's cheek. "How's your Mother Ryan?"

"She's great, thank you for having me today Mrs. Gyllenhaal," he says.

"Oh, please sweetheart, call me Naomi," she insists.

My Father walks around the corner from the kitchen and awkwardly pats my shoulder when he walks past me. I immediately stiffen when his hand is on me. He doesn't acknowledge Ryan as he walks past me toward the bathroom. Typical bull shit from my Father not to acknowledge our guests.

Gloria clings to Ryan as we take our seats around the dinner table. "Thank you for cooking Mom, everything looks great," I say, my mouth watering over the turkey and mashed potatoes and yams.

"Gloria, Ryan needs to eat, come here honey," Maggie says sweetly but Gloria pouts.

"Can I sit on his lap Momma? Please?" she begs and I resist the urge to make a joke about me wanting to sit on his lap instead.

"No sweetie, maybe after we're finished eating okay?" Maggie says and Gloria slides off Ryan and plops down in a seat next to him. She can't stop staring up at him as we start digging into our food. I can't blame her, he's fucking gorgeous and he looks edible when he's wearing plaid.

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