Roads Untraveled

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It was Maul.

My mother laid down her life for the sake of protecting someone else.

Protecting someone from Maul.

And now, she's gone.

My dad... well, I don't exactly know how he's handling it. He noticed the instant I returned that something was off, and I immediately walked him to a hill away from the base.

When I told him, he looked at the floor, as if he was in shock. But I'm guessing he feels like he has to be the stronger one.

"And you're positive?" He asks me.

I nod, not being able to say another word.

He sighs. "Come here, kiddo."

I walk over to him and sit down on the ground next to him.

"Listen," he says. "We spent a long time wondering, speculating."

"Sometimes the uncertainty is more painful," I say. "Still, I never imagined it to be like this."

"I know," he continues. "But... now we don't need uncertainty anymore."

I lean my head on his shoulder and start to weep, while he hugs me tighter and tighter in an attempt to comfort me.

"How do you forget?" I ask him. "How do you forget pain?"

He sighs. "You don't forget it, kiddo. You accept, forgive if you have to."

I sigh and look out at the horizon.

"Darling, she's not gone forever. I'm a mere clone trooper, but I've seen the Force at work. Your mother will live in us."

My dad and I stay at the hill for what seems like hours. I don't pay attention to how much the sun moves, if the sky gets any darker, I pay no attention to anything really.

"I'm going to my room," I say. "I think I need some time alone."

"Go ahead," Rex replies quietly.

I give him a tight hug, then make my way slowly to the Ghost.

I close the door of the bedroom and sit on the bed. I huddle into a ball and rest my forehead on my knees.

I just... Why? Why did it have to be this way?

I slam my fist on the wall behind me, causing something to fall to the ground. I look over to see what it is.

It's my mother's shoulderpiece, the one with the blackbird. I found it in an abandoned Republic medical base.

I reach out and grab it, and stare at it for a moment.


"Laurel, be careful honey!"

I grabbed my father's helmet and played for a long while. I was small, and the helmet didn't fit at all.

"Look at me, mommy! I'm a captain!"

My dad walked up behind her and hugged her lovingly while I kept pretending I was a great captain.


It takes me a few seconds to react, and then, my head jerks up.

Ezra sits down next to me and hugs me. I keep looking at the shoulder piece.

"At least now you know," he says.

I sigh. "Yeah, I just... I was kinda hoping I'd see her again."

"I know that feeling," he hugs me tighter. "There's nothing wrong with having hope."

I press my face against his shoulder.



"There is no death," he replies, "only the Force."

Hearing him recite a part of the Jedi code makes me remember something important. What we're meant to be, and meant to do. Together.

"Your mother lives in you, and she always will."

I sigh. "I know, I just- I'm gonna need time."

"Take as much as you need," Ezra says. "And remember we're here for you."


I look up at Ezra hoping to meet his eyes, but he's looking at the ground.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry for how I've been behaving," he says. "I feel terrible."

"None of this is your fault, Ezra," I say.

He holds me tighter and rests his head on mine.

I then get up. "I think I need some time to myself."

He nods. "Call me when you're ready."

"Yeah," I reply. I get out of the room and go outside, back to a hill. It's night time. I sit down on the hill to see the moon rising in the dark blue sky, and stay there apparently as long as I need.

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