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"Alright, Laurel," Hera opens the holomap that Kallus gave me. "Talk to me."

"These are routes of transport of the parts of the new TIE to Lothal," I say, "as well as their respective dates."

"How much of an impact will our attack cause?" Asks Commander Sato.

"On just one transport, maybe just a delay," I say. "On several, we'll have more to mess with."

"We could get more Rebel cells to perform the same mission on other transports," Ezra suggests.

"It would be ideal if they were all at once," Sabine says. "But none of these dates match."

"So we get the main shipment," I point to the route from Garel to Lothal. "It carries at least 60% of fuelling and circuitry parts that will be used in total."

"That's far-fetched," Sato says.

"But it's a fact."

"Isn't it too risky?"

"It was too risky for me to infiltrate in the Academy," I reply. "And yet I managed to come back with this."

"But this time you're not going alone," says Ezra. "I'm coming with."

"Me too," says Sabine.

"And me," Mart steps up too, much to my surprise.

"Alright," I say. "Anyone else?"

"I'll go," Kanan says.

"No," Hera grabs his wrist gently. "We need to stay here with the fleet in case we can intercept another minor shipment. For now it might be best to scatter."

"We'll handle it, Kanan," Ezra says. "And we'll be done before you know it."

"Now how are you going to 'intercept' the shipment?" Sato asks.

"We'll use a proton bomb," I say. "I understand you managed to acquire some in my absence?"

Ezra nods. "We did."

"One of those should be enough."

"Alright," Kanan says. "Refuel the Phantom, you'll go ahead on there."

"Thanks," I reply.

"Very well," Sato says to conclude. "The four of you will head to that Star Destroyer to eliminate that shipment."

"May the Force be with you," Kanan says.

"We'll be alright," Ezra replies.




"All systems work?"


"I wanna fly!"


I reach for Sabine after she dismisses Mart's request. "Coordinates are in. We should make it to Garel right before they leave."

Sabine's eyes widen. "Garel?"


"Laurel, the planet still has Imperial presence!"

"I know!"

"Wait wait," Ezra says, "what exactly are you planning to do about that?"

"We attach to the Star Destroyer right before it enters hyperspace," I explain. "Sabine, can you mask our signal."

"For about five minutes," she says. 

"Great," I say. "That's enough time. Mask it right before we jump from hyperspace so that they don't see us coming. We'll attach to their Star Destroyer then. By the time we're in hyperspace, we'll be able to infiltrate, set the bomb, we come back to the Phantom, detach from the Star destroyer at lightspeed, detonate the bomb, and jump out of hyperspace."

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