Lose It

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(A/N: I've been planning this mini-saga for a while. Don't hate- I'm doing my best, and I've been super excited to write it. Enjoy!!)

Back on Atollon, well, there are many things we need to attend to. What are we going to do about the new TIE initiative? How are we going to know if Kallus is indeed Fulcrum? I get the feeling he is, but many others don't. 

Hera rounds up our crew, my dad, Sato, and the entire Phoenix and Iron squadrons.

"It is imperative we do something about this," says Sato. "As Captian Syndulla has stated, the Rebellion will not stand for long if this continues."

"Why don't we sabotage the production?" I suggest. "Try to delay it if possible. It could at least buy us some time to make a better strategy."

"The point of this meeting is precisely to develop a strategy now," Sato replies.

"Yes, but with all the intel we have?" I say. "It isn't that much and in case you've forgotten- Thrawn is at command now. We can't afford mistakes."

"She's right," says Kanan. "We only have the plans for the ships, but we don't know of operations, dates, nothing."

Sato looks at the hologram of the plans, deep in thought.

"Then what do you suggest?"

"We need to find the major supply of parts," I say. "The ships will likely be assembled on Lothal, but the circuitry and fueling parts are usually made on other planets, like they have been in past years. They'll be transporting them to Lothal."

"Laurel," Ezra says with a complimenting tone, "you had this all thought out, didn't you?"

I smile. "What can I say?"

"And how do we know where they'll be?" Asks Guti from the other end of the holoprojector.

"We get the intel," I say.

There's a silence. A few soldiers exchange looks, and Sato looks at me almost with disbeleif.

"Lau?" Asks Sabine. "Are you planning on infiltrating again?"

"Yeah," I say. "But not the factory- it would have to be either the imperial complex or the Academy so we can find Kallus."

"The Academy will be a better option," Kanan says. "It won't be as heavily guarded and you'll be able to move around more."

"Alright," I say. "We'll find Kallus there."

"We can't rely entirely on Kallus," Hera says. "We don't know if he's Fulcrum."

"I feel that he is," I say.

"Me too," Zeb says.

OMG ship!

"Whether he's Fulcrum or not," says Sabine, "it's going to be harder. After past infiltrations, they'll be expecting it."

"In that case," Kanan says, "someone would have to go. Alone."

"That's right," I agree. "As a group, it'd be more of a giveaway."

"And who's qualified for such a mission?" Sato asks.

I was already planning to go myself.

"I propose Laurel to go," Jonner raises his hand and blurts out happily.

"Oh, no," Ezra denies.

"Why not?" Mart supports Jonner. "She has the whole idea thought out, and she made us survive when we were stranded on the frater!"

"Kiddo," Rex says, "it's a dangerous mission."

"I know," I say.

"Not to mention, Thrawn will probably be there," says a Phoenix pilot. 

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