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It's back to Lothal once more. I'm with Kanan and Ezra, we're here to find a way to shut down the factory on the planet, and for that we've already contacted some help.

"Do you see Ryder anywhere?" I ask.

Ryder Azadi, the former governor of Lothal now turned fugitive, the man who gave us the news of the death of Ezra's parents, has agreed to help us on this mission.

"No where," says Ezra. "But what's with all the ships? Lothal is my home, guys, I can't help seeing it like this."

He's right. It looks bad- ships, speeders and walkers, troopers on every corner, civilians not leaving their homes...

And to top it off, the horrible banners of the imperial symbol on a red field symbolizing a terrifying, dangerous dictatorship.

"Well then we better hurry up and change that," Kanan assures Ezra.

"Now we just have to wait for Ryder," I say.

Through my binoculars I see a man on a speeder vehicle coming in quickly.

"And speaking of which!" I call.

"He's been spotted!" Ezra says.

We move from the rooftop we're on to go help Ryder. He sees us too and drives up close to the houses. The three of us jump and land on the speeder, and Ryder drives fast among the streets to try and avoid the imperials.

"Blockade!" I yell when I see it in front of us.

Ryder quickly shifts the direction of the speeder and I use both of my lightsabers to deflect the shots from one of the trooper sentries. Ryder starts to head out of the town, but we've got some bikes on our tail and a walker up ahead.

"Hang on!" Ryder yells. He tilts the speeder vertically. With my blaster I take down a couple of the troopers on a bike, while Ezra and Kanan slash the walker's legs to make it collapse.

"Sure is good to have you back on Lothal!" Says Ryder.

"I think you may be the only one who feels that way," Kanan replies.

There are still two more bikes chasing after us, though, and getting them with the blaster at this speed is more challenging than it seems.

"What's the plan?" Ezra asks. "We can't outrun these guys!"

"Just make them reach one-ninety!" Ryder answers.

"Does this thing even go that fast?" I ask him.

"Sometimes, think fast thoughts!"

"I am, and nothing's happening!"

Ryder keeps the speeder accelerating, forcing the bikes to do the same. I notice the engine of one of the bikes starting to turn orange, and soon, it explodes.

Ezra and I watch the destroyed bike in awe, and then the other bike follows.

"Those bikes are from the imperial factory," Ryder says. "I have some people there sabotaging the vehicles."

"You infilteated the assembly line?" Kanan says. "I'm impressed."

"That's quite a way to mess with the Empire," I compliment too.

"I wish I could take credit," Ryder answers. "The idea came from an old friend of Ezra's."

Ryder changes course and drives us over to where his hut is. It's lit and there are more people there already. We get off of the speeder and the kind looking old man greets us.

"Is that Ezra Bridger?" He says happily and with surprise.

"Mr. Sumar!" Ezra says.

Mr. Sumar knew Ezra since years back. Ezra told me that when he and Zeb went Meiloorun hunting, they saved him and his family from the empire.

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