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It was a rainy day in Yokohama, Port Mafia was planning their moves against the Agency. I was partnered up with Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Mafia Dog. | Ability: Rashomon | I've never worked with an independent man like him before so this might be very interesting. I only wish he doesn't piss me off. I will kill him.
"Nakahara Chuuya. Boss wants to see you!" The blonde bitch named Ichiyou Higuchi, yelled over to me. I clenched my fists and stood from my seat, taking my hat off as I headed inside. I adjusted the coat that cloaked my shoulder and met my boss's eyes.
"Nakahara.." Ougai Mori spoke up from his seat. I looked over to see Akutagawa standing at his side. He's probably complaining about having a partner.
I crossed my arms over my chest. "What?"
"I'm assigning you and Akutagawa to scope out the agency. Two of their members have been spotted in a subway. Track them down. Kill them with no mercy." A devilish smirk crossed his face.
I grinned and nodded, putting my hat on. "Yes boss. Oii. Akutagawa. Come on." I was going to leave but I heard him speak up.
"I don't need a partner for this. I'll handle them both myself."
"I said the both of you." Ougai raised his voice. I looked back to the man glared coldly before following me out.
Our trip to that subway was silent. The both of us avoided eye contact and said not a word. I kept my hand on my knife in case he wants to start something. I didn't trust him as much as I should. I didn't like having a new partner. I've grown to work alone too. Especially since Dazai left. I cleared my throat and went down the steps with Akutagawa following behind me. Yosano Akiko | Ability: Thou Shalt Not Die | and Junichirou Tanizaki | Ability: Light Snow | were boarding the train. I noticed my partner speed up and I scowled when I felt him grab my wrist, dragging me into the train before the doors closed. I yanked my wrist out of his grip and my blue eyes narrowed up at him. He looked at me and covered his mouth to cough a little.
"Let's sit down and wait for the train to move." He found a seat and relaxed. I hesitated but I walked over, sitting by him. I still felt his hold on my wrist even though he wasn't touching me anymore. He didn't have to drag me in here. Why'd he dare touch me anyway? I didn't know the answer to that. He clearly had the opportunity to leave me behind and go solo. Why didn't he take it? Tch.. Moron. "What's on your mind?" Akutagawa interrupted my thoughts and I looked at him.
"H-Huh? Nothing." I turned my head away and a soft pink covered my cheeks. Ew, why am I turning red?
The train was moving in a matter of minutes. He stood and I followed him to the train door that leads to the other passenger seating. He used Rashomon to break through it. I moved ahead and landed a kick to Yosano, launching her across the other side of the train into the second metal door across from the first one. Junichirou stood quickly and tried to punch me. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to where Yosano was but Akutagawa stepped in and made sure I didn't used corruption. I wouldn't of been able to come out of it.
"I've got this!" I snapped at him and touched the side of the train. "Gravity manipulation." I made the train start slowly start to float in the tunnel we were in. I grinned and ran forward sending a kick at the two members only for my foot to go right through them like a hologram. "Huh?" My eyes widened and I felt a hand around my throat. My back hit the side of the train and I looked at Yosano. She gripped my neck tighter and I raised my leg kicking her away from me. I spotted Akutagawa take out Tanizaki with Rashomon. The other passengers in the train were screaming at this battle. I punched the woman feeling my fist go through her chest. I put my ability on her, releasing the train. Me and Ryunosuke took off running to the back of the subway train.
"Rashomon!" Akutagawa shouted and his ability bit open the back door. We dove off the train parkour rolling back to our feet. I took a deep breath and winced before looking down to see a small knife in my side. I yanked it out with a small growl and slumped to the ground. "Chuuya." He looked at me and lifted me to my feet.
"Owe." I held my side. "I'm hurt just.. Leave me here. I'll die."
"No. You're my partner for today." He scoffed. "Stop being like that." He picked me up and we left through the train tunnel together. Seems he couldn't leave me to die. Why doesn't anyone let me go? I clung to him the whole way back to base. I blacked out from blood loss and didn't really feel the nurse working on me.
It seems hours passed and I eventually woke up. My jacket and hat were draped over the chair by my bed. My blue eyes looked around and I saw the Mafia Dog standing by the door. He was watching me with a concern look.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He walked over and took a seat on a chair. I felt my face heat up some. What the fuck Chuuya. I scolded myself and looked away from him.
"I'm fine. I do feel like shit though." I muttered and sat up some. "That bitch probably stabbed me when she had her hand around my neck. I didn't feel it."
"They are most likely dead now. As long as you're okay, that's all that matters." His dark eyes met mine and I nodded slowly.
"Yeah. I am a valuable member. I shouldn't of said anything about dying earlier. I'm sorry if I hurt you by saying that."
"Don't feel sorry. I'm glad I got you here in time. I would've been hurt if you died in my arms." I saw him look away from me.
My heart had skipped a beat from hearing him say that. I've never been told that before. What is he trying to do? I took a breath and looked down at the bandage that was wrapped around my torso, blood was already seeping through it. I saw my vest and shirt hung up. Seems they were fixed and cleaned for me. I ran my hands down my face and I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked over at Ryunosuke and titled my head some.
"Would you like to remain partners? We work pretty well together." He said in a soft tone.
My eyes widened. "Would I like to stay partners? I thought you liked being alone."
"You don't get out much, Nakahara Chuuya. It's the least I can do. You are a strong man." His hand moved off my shoulder and I took a deep breath before nodding.
"Yeah. We can stay partners. I can tolerate you much better than my old partner." I laughed a little and winced. "Damnit." I held my side and laid back down. I was shocked when I saw Akutagawa smile for once. He looks good with it. I wonder how well this partnership between us will go. We both are different people.

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