*why you were arrested*

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You were arrested for providing a fake I.D. for Octavia the night she was discovered at the masquerade party.


You were arrested for stealing art supplies from the Ark's supply room for Clarke.


You were arrested for breaking and entering into a restricted area to look at the earth.


You were arrested for dealing the drugs that Monty and Jasper grew.


You were arrested because you were trying to stop a fight. A guard believed you had started it, not prevented it.


You were arrested for stealing supplies (dirt, water, etc.) for Monty and Jasper so they could grow their weed.


You were arrested for pretending to be your mom/dad so you could get their ration of food. After explaining your situation, they were about to let you go... until you punched a guard.


You were arrested for getting into a fight over a rumor someone had spread about your mom.


You were arrested for helping Raven steal parts for one of her projects for her mechanics training.


You were arrested for openly protesting some of the Ark's ways of life... including the law that says protesters will be arrested.

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