*your arguments*

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Your arguments are usually over stupid things like who misplaced the gun you kept in your shared tent for protection. You both get really heated during these arguments but they are usually short with no lasting damage to your relationship.

Your arguments are typically consisted of both of you screaming at each other especially when Clarke has to make serious decisions for the sake of The 100. Some arguments end up with both of you in tears and one or both of you storming out of your shared tent/dorm.

Your arguments typically consist of you yelling at Finn for long periods of time because he keeps trying to play the peace-maker between the Trikru and Skaikru. Finn usually doesn't say anything except "sorry" and that he "will never do it again."

Your arguments with Jasper involve you both yelling at each other all day until someone comes in to break it up. Your arguments end with no apologies from either side and you both act like nothing ever happened.

Your arguments with Lincoln consist of you yelling at him as he quietly tries to defend himself. Your arguments end with apologies on both sides and if one or both of you are still mad about the topic, you'll calmly address the issue.

Arguments with Monty are usually pretty calm. There's little to no yelling and you both openly talk about the issue. Your arguments also end with peace with no substantial damage to your relationship.

With Murphy, your arguments turn into screaming matches very quickly. When you try to address a problem, he usually replies with some smartass remark, making you angrier. Some of your arguments have even ended up with a break-up.

Arguments with Octavia are consisted of crying, yelling, and throwing things. Sometimes the arguments get so heated you avoid each other for weeks at a time. However, you guys have never broken up and the arguments actually make your relationship stronger.

Your arguments usually consist of Raven yelling at you for risking your life during supply runs or fighting against Grounders. Your arguments sometimes last days or weeks because you both are too stubborn to admit who was wrong.

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