Chapter One

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The thud of Alice's pulse resounded in her ears, crashing through her rushing thoughts like a freight train. Her brisk strides hinted at unbridled frustration. The irritated twist of her lips and narrowed hazel eyes provided a better glimpse of her mood. She kept her fists balled at her sides.

I can't believe him, she thought angrily. I knew he was lying. Why can't guys just be straightforward?

This had been her third date with Spencer. In spite of her original doubts about him, he'd been growing on her. Preppy rich boys didn't normally catch her interest. Well, they still hadn't. Spencer just lost all of her respect. It was almost funny how a few words could change so much.

Alice finally reached her silver sedan and slipped inside. She fumbled with the keys for a second before the vehicle rumbled to life. After clicking her seat belt into place, Alice took a moment to breathe. Placing her forehead on the steering wheel, she sucked down a lungful of air. Ever so slowly, her heart grew quiet again.

Evening traffic swarmed around Alice while she made her way across the city to her dorm. Natalie, her roommate, smiled hopefully at Alice when she entered their room.

"Have fun?" Natalie asked.

"Not particularly." Alice dramatically collapsed onto her bed. "Spencer tried to make me have sex with him."


"I know. What the hell? I told him on our first date that I was looking for something serious and that sex wouldn't happen for a long time," Alice remarked bitterly. "He said we were on the same page. Since when is the third date a long time?"

Natalie offered a sympathetic grimace. "I'm sorry, Alice. Boys can be dumb."

"Yeah. Tell me 'bout it." She sighed. "How was your day?"

"Boring," Natalie answered, sticking her tongue out. "Class and practice."

"How are your professors?"

"Half and half. Smithen is cool, but—"

The jolly chirp of Alice's phone cut Natalie off. Flashing her friend an apologetic smile, Alice accepted the call.

"Hey, sweetie," Alice's mother, Martha, greeted.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?"

Martha took a deep breath. "Things are alright. I have some bad news."

Alice pushed her face into her hands. This day was just getting better and better. "What's happened?"

"Derek..." Her mother's voice was trembling. "D-Derek got a concussion at his game tonight."

Her little brother had never been hurt this badly before. Football was a violent sport, but he'd been playing it since he was a kid and had managed to escape any major injuries.

"A concussion?" Alice repeated, stunned. "Is he at the hospital? Is he okay?"

"He's in the hospital, but the doctors are worried. He hasn't woken up yet."

"Is he in a coma then?" The blood drained from Alice's face while her heart squeezed fearfully.

"They say concussions can last for a few hours...but they aren't really sure. Just pray he wakes up, Alice. Please, honey."

"Of course," Alice replied immediately. "Of course I'll pray for him. And, Mom?"

Martha sniffled. "Yes?"

"Are you with Derek right now?"

"I'm...I'm in the hall outside his hospital room."

"Tell him I love him, okay? I know he's unconscious and everything, but just tell him for me."

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