Chapter Three

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For the first time since they'd met, she saw a sign of anger from Kyle. The tendon in his jaw twitched. His blue eyes were cold when they met hers.

"I told you," he growled, "I don't want to talk about it."

Another ripple of fear coursed through her. Would he hurt her if she pushed it? Did she want to risk it? The answer bounced around her skull for a minute. Yes, it's worth the risk.

"Don't you think I deserve to know?" she whispered, looking at him through lowered eyelashes.

One glance at her made an animalistic snarl tear from his throat. "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

He directly met her gaze again. "I'm not going to tell you, Alice. I had to get to know you in order to prepare this home for you. That is all you can know."

Her lips pinched together in frustration. Let it go, instinct suggested. Don't get on his bad side. She decided to grill him later. If it bothered him this much, the answers were important enough for her to know.

They mostly ate in silence. Alice was conjuring up a collection of personal questions to ask him as she waited for the right opportunity. Every few seconds, Kyle would steal a discreet glance at her, probably also wondering when to start talking again.

Alice finally decided to end the unbearable quiet. "So...where are you from, Kyle?"


"Did you grow up on a farm? How'd you learn to make your own bacon?"

"I did grow up on a farm, actually." His cheeks reddened as he smiled, looking away.

If he hadn't kidnapped her and was borderline crazy, Alice would think he was cute. In a shy, farm boy kind of way.

"Cool," she remarked. "Do you know how to ride horses, too?"

"Yep. I never competed or anything, though."

"Me either." She nibbled on the inside of her cheek. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-seven," he said and gauged her reaction.

Alice kept her face neutral. "I'm guessing you know I'm eighteen?"

"Yes." His blue eyes flashed away before slowly coming back.

"Okay." She nodded her head for no particular reason. "No girlfriend? Or wife?"

Kyle's mouth curled up at the edges in a half smile. "No. I have high standards."

"Me, too," she confessed, rolling her eyes.

"Your standards have kept you pure. That's what I like most about you."

We're back to this again? She sighed inside.

"Is that why you chose me?" she asked. "I know other girls who know...pure."

"You're not the only pure girl I've met," he allowed, "but you're the most suitable."

"Suitable? Suitable for what?"

His face was lined with patience, as if she was missing the obvious. "Suitable for me, of course."

Alice's throat suddenly felt as parched as a desert while she swallowed heavily. Would he try to force himself on her? How far did this seemingly gentle farm boy intend to take this ridiculous scheme of his?

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