Chapter Fourteen

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The sound of a car engine rolling up the driveway roused Kyle from his office. He had already taught his last class of the day, so he and Alice could take all the time they wanted. There was a good chance she was going to yell at him for a solid hour at first.

Kyle had just reached the front door when he heard a car door slam. Alice was marching up the brick steps as he  opened the door. Her beautiful hazel eyes were narrowed on him, and her cheeks burned with anger.

"Alice," he greeted, unable to stop himself from smiling. The time he'd waited to see her had been unbearable. "You came."

She walked right up to the threshold, crossing her arms. "We need to talk."

"I know."

"Can I come in?"

"Of course." It took every ounce of self-control to keep himself from touching her as she pushed past into his home. The place instantly felt more complete with her presence.

Without another word, Alice stomped down the hall into the kitchen, where he found her pouring herself a glass of water. He leaned against the island to wait for her. When she finally set the glass aside, he thought she was going to jump across the island and strangle him. But she didn't. She just pinned the most steely, harsh glower onto him as possible.

"Where do you want to start?" Kyle asked softly.

Her lips cinched before she spoke, voice eerily calm. "How about we start with the day you dropped me off at my parents' house?"

A sigh floated from his chest. "I know it hurt you, but I had to take you back, Alice. What I did was wrong."

"You think I don't know that?" She grimaced before controlling her tone again. "Just answer this one question: why would you leave me but still send me letters? I don't get it. It's like you only partly wanted to let me go."

"Did you read the letters?"

"No." She crossed her arms again.

Kyle squeezed the ledges of the granite countertop. "I figured as much. I explained everything in them."

"I wasn't going to give you the pleasure of reading them. You're a jerk. Possibly the biggest one out there."

"Alice, if you hate me so much, why did you come here?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Because...I don't know! Okay? I don't know!"

"I think I know," he told her, traversing the kitchen to where she stood.

Her face had paled like snow and she simply stood there, watching him come. There was no yelling, no throwing fists, no backing away. She just stood and watched. Kyle was surprised.

"I made you love me," he whispered as he took her face into his hands. "You came because you love me."

In spite of the evident irritation that overcame her, Alice remained silent. She held his gaze relentlessly.

"Maybe it's time I set you free."

A tear swam down her cheek. Her bottom lip trembled.

Kyle couldn't do this. He couldn't turn her away. His scarred, aching heart throbbed at the very thought. This was the only woman he ever wanted. She was the only one he wanted in his arms, the only one he could imagine wandering through the halls of his home. After all, he'd renovated this home for her.

"You're no good for me," she whimpered, turning away from him as more tears trickled down. "There are good men out there, men who wouldn't treat a girl like this."

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her against his chest. "I'm so sorry, Alice. I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know." Her little body quivered against his. "What do you want from me, Kyle? Why give me your address after so long?"

"Because—" His voice faltered. After clearing his throat, he tried again. "Because I couldn't go another week without seeing your face."

When Alice pulled back to meet his gaze, the anger was completely gone. Only despair colored her eyes now. She lifted her fingers to his lips, brushing her thumbs across them.

"This isn't me," she murmured. "I'm not the girl who gets lovesick."

"Love changes people in strange ways." Kyle thought about the guilt that still plagued him about his father. The guilt that hadn't been there until he'd spent time in Alice's wholesome presence.

"But I'm...nevermind." She just shook her head. "Can I take a nap? This is too much emotion for all at once."

His lips turned up in a smile. "Yes. Come with me."

They leisurely ambled through the hallway, hand in hand. When he led her past his bedroom, Alice protested, pulling him in the direction of his room. He gave her a questioningly look.

"Don't be a pervert," she half-teased. The humor just barely reached her eyes. "I just want your bed."

He chuckled. "What's wrong with the other bed?"

A blush warmed her cheeks. "Ah...nothing."

"Mhm." Kyle followed her into his chambers.


Even though she had no intention of letting anything happen, Alice's heart was fluttering chaotically in her chest. She led Kyle to his bed and bunkered down under the covers. He stretched out beside her, staying on top of the sheets like a gentleman.

His fingertips played with her hair, combing through the soft strands. The gesture was so comforting she began to drift towards sleep. She hadn't felt so content since the last night they'd spent together. Although she was reluctant to admit it, she'd missed him.

Alice stirred from her rest, yawning. The weight of Kyle's arm draped around her side drew her attention. Her cheeks reddened. This was new to her and it seemed risque, almost. But she didn't push his arm off. It made her feel safe.

If it were possible, she'd lay there forever. Everything was uncomplicated in this moment. There was just her and him and no one else.

That wasn't life, though. Life wasn't about isolation, and, after time, she knew she would grow restless again. She couldn't go through this again. Something needed to change.

Turning in his arms, Alice faced the man who was once her captor. Or, perhaps, he'd never stopped being her captor. Indeed, he had never returned the part of her heart he'd stolen. Even when she'd thought she was free of him, he had never truly let her go.

"Kyle," she whispered, eyes roaming his face. "Kyle, wake up. Please. We have to talk."


After enduring so many sleepless nights, the nap had been a blessing from Heaven. The probing of Alice's fingers on his face was a more than pleasant way to resurface consciousness. A smile easily slid across his mouth. She was smiling at him, too.

"How'd you sleep?" she asked, returning his gaze unabashedly.

"Very well." Kyle took a lock of her hair into his hands. "How about you?"

"Good enough."

"We can always sleep in a little longer if you want..."

Alice chuckled. "I appreciate the offer, but we need to talk."

He couldn't help it; he groaned.

"We can't hide forever," she continued. "We have to be serious this time."

"I know. I just want to enjoy this little slice of Heaven for as long as I can."

Touching the stubble on his jaw, she smiled. "If we make this work right, this little slice of Heaven never has to end."

"I just...bringing in the real world complicates things."

"And our relationship isn't complicated enough?"

He sighed. "Fair enough."

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