Chapter Eleven

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    The withdrawals didn't take long to kick in. Kyle had to pull over not even a mile from Alice's parents' house to gather himself. His hands were trembling and his pulse sounded like a freight train in his ears. This wasn't fair. He was doing this for her! Why was he being punished like this? It wasn't fair for Alice to have this hold on him. He was just doing what was right.

    Go back, his heart pleaded. Drive right back to that house and take her back. She'll never forgive you for this.

    Kyle pushed his head into his hands. Shut up, Heart. I don't need her to forgive me. I need her to be safe. To be happy. She doesn't love me like she thinks she does. I only showed her what I wanted her to see. I'm not pure like her. I'm not worthy.

    His fist made solid contact with the steering wheel of his old truck. Why had he ever believed a relationship between them would work? Alice was an angel. He had taken a life, done the work of the devil. Even if his father's life had been a threat to others, it was still murder. But why did the blood on his hands only bother him now? Bruce Matthews' death had always felt justified. What about Alice had changed his perspective?

    Not an inch of Kyle's body didn't hurt. He missed her so much his muscles ached. To think he'd never hear the eagerness in her voice again or see her eyes light up when she looked at him or feel her hand in his or taste her soft ailed him. A shudder racked his body. Nothing about this felt right.

    But it was right. Wasn't it?

    The correct choice was so hard to see with his heart in the way. Why couldn't he shut it up? Kyle had always been a professional at ignoring his heart until Alice came along. An annoying thought came to mind.

What if she wasn't the angel he thought she was? What if she was his own personal demon? A messenger from Hell to torment him for his sins?

Not that Alice would ever know how much her goodbye hurt him. She really was innocent, a lighthouse of purity in a sea of corruption and deceit. No matter how hard Kyle wanted to believe she had been sent to torture him, he couldn't.

Demons might look like angels, but they can't fake what's inside.

Kyle straightened and placed his hands on the wheel. He would return to his house and live his life like he'd never met the girl who fell from Heaven. He wouldn't look back. He would let Alice live in peace.

No, you're not! His heart snickered. You're going to call that farm hand and tell him to tend the animals. You're getting that girl back.

Grinding his teeth, Kyle angrily shoved the gear shift into first gear and hit the gas. Listening to his heart was the last thing he needed to do. That stupid organ was the reason he was in this mess in the first place.

One mile passed. Then one more. But the third mile was never completed.

No amount of resolve could keep Kyle from turning around. Fierce determination was a useless instrument against the gravitational pull of her life. Without understanding his actions, Kyle turned at the closest light and pressed the gas pedal to the floor of his old truck, speeding his way back to her.


    Nathaniel White was one of the last people Alice ever expected to hang out with after they'd graduated high school. They knew each other through mutual friends, but even that link was weak. Which is why it was beyond weird that he'd reached out to her.

    "It's really good to see you," Nathaniel said as she sat down in the chair across the table from him. "You look great."

    "Thanks," she replied with a shy smile. "So how've you been, Nathaniel? I don't even know where you're going to college."

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