Chapter Six

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Kyle immediately held her out while a stern expression marked his face. "Never say that. You're the only for me, Alice. We were made for each other."

When he said creepy crap like that, Alice considered running away again. She pushed the idea out of sight, though. Any effort of escaping again would be futile. Kyle would undoubtedly hunt her down.

"Can I ask you something?" she murmured, avoiding his eyes.

"Mmm." He tilted her chin up until she met his gaze. "Yes."

She swallowed heavily. "What if the police find us?" Before he could say anything, she added, "My parents are looking for me now. I know they are."

Kyle smiled a little and tucked her hair behind her ears. "They won't find us. There's nothing to fear."

The sting of tears burned her eyes, so Alice rubbed her face to keep him from noticing. She still wanted them to come find her. No matter how much she sympathized with Kyle-or even how much she liked him-she would always want them to find her. She needed them in her life.

"How do you survive without family?" she queried. "Without friends?"

He shrugged. "I've never had a lot of friends. Not even in college."

Strange man, she thought to herself. Then again, it's nice to meet someone weirder than me every once and awhile.

"I don't have a lot of friends either. Just enough to keep me from going insane."

Grinning, Kyle said, "I won't let you go insane."

"What if I want to go see my friends and family? Would you at least let me visit?" She knew the answer, but wanted more to know the reason behind it.


"Why not?"

His grin had slipped away. "They'd ask too many questions. It makes things too complicated."

It doesn't have to be that way, she moaned inside. Kyle wouldn't understand if she said those words aloud, though. Normal human connection didn't make sense to him.

Alice took a deep breath. "Can I have some water? I think I'm dehydrated."

Without a word, Kyle left his post by her to retrieve a glass from a cream-colored cabinet and fill it with water from the fridge. She guzzled down half of it as soon as he brought it to her. Then she set the glass aside and looked into his eyes.

"So what're we doing today?" she asked.

"I need to get some things done on the farm. You can join me or stay here."

The fact that he was giving her an option piqued Alice's interest. What kind of an abductor was he, anyway?

"Um, I think I'll come with you," she replied.

Until a better plan of escape formulated in her mind, Alice intended on sucking up to him. Soften him up so he wouldn't want to kill her when she tried to run away again. Except next time, she was definitely stealing his truck.

"Great." Kyle smiled and lent his arm to her while she eased off the kitchen counter. "How's your ankle feel?"

Alice glanced down at her leg where the bandage was. "It doesn't hurt. I think it's fine."

"Let me know if it's bothering you. Don't need to hurt your precious little body."

She started at his remark. Although she was, by nature, petite, she'd never been called precious before.

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