Chapter 2: Unknown Love

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Let me warn you before you read this. There are many trigger warnings like the thoughts and attempting suicide and people dying in families. If you're sensitive to these things I suggest you not to read this part. Its really deep and touchy...maybe a little too deep and touchy. If you can handle it then move on....don't say I didn't warn you.

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Yuu slowly woke up. He later finds himself in a hospital bed with a white bandage wrapped around his head. He sits up on his bed and looked around. Yuu looks down to his hands and finds white bandages wrapped around it too. They felt sore, and the worst part about all this, he don't know what happened last night.

Suddenly a nurse walked in with a clipboard and a pen to go and check on Yuu. "Ah, Mr. Hyakuya! You are awake." She says with excitement. "W-What happened to me?" Yuu choked out. "Well I don't know much about the incident." The nurse started off, "But I do know that a fine, dreamy-like, young man bought you in here and paid for your expenses." As she said 'fine, dreamy-like, young man' she blushed and looked like she was day dreaming. "What was his name?" Yuu asked. The nurse shrugged, "He preferred to stay anonymous." Yuu groaned, "Can you at least tell me what he looked like?" The nurse looked at him like a dumbass, "I already said he was a fine dreamy-like young man." "Ugh nevermind.." The nurse reached in her pocket and gave Yuu a card. "Its from the guy who bought you here, he gave you a nice get well card!" Yuu opened his card and read it.

"Hey, you must be wondering who I am...please text me.

Yuu blushed in anger. "Why would someone do this just to get someone to text them......"

• • •

After Yuu got checked out the hospital he ran across Guren. Now he remembers what happened...Guren punched him and bruised his wrists. Yuu rolled his eyes and looked at Guren with tears, "I hope you're happy that you nearly could've killed me." Yuu said softly to him. "Not just yet." Guren started out saying, "You broke my heart, I loved you so much and you know I didn't mean to fuck Shinya or knock you unconscious. This is your last chance to get back together with me and possibly marry me." Yuu still refused. Its just not him to go out with Guren, he dont feel love or a connection.

"Okay since you said no", Guren started out saying, "You would regret it. I HOPE YOUR ONLY FAMILY DIES IN A CAR CRASH!!!" He yelled in Yuu's face. Guren left in anger which making Yuu sigh.

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"Heyyy YUU!!" Yoichi yelled excitedly on the phone. "YUUU!!!!" Shinoa and Mitsuba yelled at the same time. Kimizuki groaned loudly enough for Yuu to hear on the phone. Yuu chuckled and smiled, "Hey guys where you going." He asked. "We going to get you something nice for you at the mall since you was in the hospital." Yoichi said. "Thats nice of you." Yuu complimented them. "Aw thanks! Now tell me why you was in the hospital." Yoichi demanded. "Well I was at M-" Yuu was cut off by screaming in the car.


Then there was loud window breaking, and large sound of a collision of something. Then the phone got disconnected from the call.

'Beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeep....'

• • •

Yuu was called down to the hospital and he hopped on the bus to the closest stop to the hospital. He walked the rest to the hospital it was only a few feet away.

As soon as he got there, he tapped one of the doctors. "Do you know who is doctor shitzu?" Yuu asked. "Well thats me." The doctor said showing Yuu his name tag. "I talked to you on the phone, you said something happened to Yoichi and my friends?" Yuu said nervously. " you want to hear the bad news or the worse news first." The doctor said looking sad and serious at the same time. "B-Bad news." Yuu stuttered nervously, "Your bother Yoichi have a rare type of Cancer and he had it over a month. He refused to take medication so theres nothing we could do. High chance that he might not live on for the rest of his life." The doctor said slowly. Yuu began to tear up. "The worse have to see yourself."

Yuu followed the doctor to a room where he saw Mitsuba and Kimizuki lying on the hospital bed with green covers on them. "It seems like these two didn't make it. They lost way too much blood and we couldn't save them." Yuu wiped his eyes then walked to them. "Mitsuba...even though we didn't really talked much you're still my family. I never saw someone so brave and nice at the same time like you. I sometimes think you had a crush on me. I wish you would've confronted me and we could've went out..." Yuu talked to her like she was there. "Kimizuki, as much as we argue and bicker about the smallest things, You was the toughest guy out there. You stood up for me one time and I never forget how tough and strong you was. Yoichi was lucky to have a guy like you...." The doctor came to Yuu. "I have to move the bodies now, sorry." The doctor said. "They are not bodies...they are family." Yuu told him. "Yes...I apologize." The doctor and some other doctor covered up the face and move the body out.

Yuu walked out the room and a nurse directed him to Yoichi.

• • •

"Cough cough ack..." Yoichi coughed alot then Yuu entered the room. "Yoichi..." Yuu said as he approached him. Yoichi sighed, "I guess you know my secret now...I have cancer." Yuu looked at him angrily. "Why did you refuse to take medication!! You know what happened to our foster mom..." Yuu and Yoichi was orphans. They was adopted by an old lady near her 60's. She took care of the boys until she was 75. She mysteriously died. Nobody knew why because the doctors and she kept it a secret from the boys. Until Yuu found hidden files of medication and doctor notes. She had brain cancer...

"I didn't want to take medication. Face it Yuu, ever since our foster mom died, we was some broke motherfuckers with not so good paid jobs." Yoichi started out saying, "Yuu listen to me. What is the valid point of taking medicine if Im going to die anyways." Yoichi told him. "It would REDUCE THE HIGH RISK OF YOU DYING!" Yuu yelled at him. "WE CANT AFFORD MEDICATIO--" Yoichi stopped to cough. He coughed and coughed....until he coughed up a heap of blood. His eyes rolled back making them white and he fell on his bed. His heart rate was going fine then a straight line interrupted the rhythm.

Yuu ran to get a nurse, and Yoichi was just like Mitsuba and Kimizuki. Under the green sheet. The green sheet of death.

Yuu asked Doctor Shitzu what about his purple haired friend Shinoa. The doctor looked at him trying to remember. "Oh I knew I forgot something. She needs to get surgery on her heart and lungs because it was damage from the car crash." He told Yuu. "Okay do it then." Yuu said. "Yes but it needs alot of money to do it." Yuu sighed and take out his wallet, "how much money is it?...." The doctor checked his clipboard and looked at it with disappointment. He told Yuu and Yuu dropped his wallet. "Thats like SEVEN FIGURES!" The doctor sighed, "I know. You have up to three days to find a way to pay for it and report to me with your answer. On the mean time, we will support her with oxygen. We cant do this for long because supply is limited. Go and make your choice..."

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