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Third Person POV (At home)

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Levy was getting more and more annoyed a s time passed by. She glanced at the clock. 11.45pm. Fifteen more minutes till Christmas and that idotic iron head Gajeel is still not back yet.

She had prepared a feast for the both of them just to celebrate their first Christmas as a married couple. And now where was he? Far away on a job for Mavis sake!

Flashback (This morning)

"Hey shrimp, ummm I hate to break it to ya but I kind of have to go on a job today." Gajeel said.

"Huh? But today's Christmas! I wanted to spend the whole day with you then have a romantic dinner." Levy replied

"I'm really sorry but it's urgent. Look i'll promise you that me and Lily will be back before dinner okay?" "Fine." Levy pouted. Gajeel chuckled at his wife's cute antics and gave Levy a light peck on the lips before heading off for the mission.

Flashback ends.

It was already 12.15 and Gajeel was still nowhere to be seen. The food had already gotton cold long ago. All of Levy's efforts were wasted. She sighed as she threw away the food in the dusbin. By the time she had finished washing the dishes and cleaned the table, it was already 1am and Gajeel was still not back yet.

Frustrated, Levy yelled angrily "Baka Gajeel." Then stormed inside the bedroom. Click. "Levy? Shrimp you awake?" Levy didn't answer. Gajeel sighed before proceeding to find his wife.

When Gajeel finally reached the bedroom, he saw Levy covering herself tightly with the blanket. With a heavy heart, he slowly walked towards her.

"Hey." Gajeel started. Levy didn't reply. "I know you're awake shrimp. I know I know I didn't keep my promise and you can get angry at me all you want but please, just hear me out wont'cha." He paused for a second, observing the small figure before continuing. "There was actually no mission. I just had to go complete something really important."

Levy snorted. "So you missed the dinner I prepared for you and now you lied to me? You really are a jerk Gajeel Redfox." Levy lowered down the blankets and set up, revealing her tear covered face.

Gajeel's heart clenched with sorrow when he saw Levy cry. He had hated seeing her cry. He had once swore to god that he would never let her cry ever again as long as he was living. And now here she was crying profusely.

Gajeel tried to wipe of the tears on Levy's face but she turned her head away and brushed away his hand while muttering "Don't touch me."

Guess it's time bring out the big guns. Gajeel thought. Reaching into his side pocket, Gajeel pulled out a small black box. "Open it." Gajeel said.

Levy took a look at the box before reluctantly opening it. Inside the box was a metal bracelet. It was studded with red gems and on the inner side of the bracelet, 'Gajeel&Levy' were being carved.

Levy gasped. "Oh my gosh Gajeel, their, their beautiful! Are they for me?" Gajeel nodded. "For the past three months I was actually taking lessons from a blacksmith to make a one and only bracelet for you. I chose red gems because they have the same eye colour as me. I even carved the words myself ya'know. I was suppose to collect the bracelet then come straight home but one of the jewels fell off so I had to find a replacement. I'm sorry I couldn't spend Christmas with you." Gajeel said apologeticly

"Thank you so much Gajeel! I love them! I'm so sorry for the horrible things I said. It doesn't matter if we don't get to spend Christmas anymore. As long you're with me I'm contented. I love you Gajeel." Levy said. Then proceeded to give Gajeel a big hug.

"Gihee. I love ya too shrimp."

So that's for Gajevy. I hope you guys like it!

Next chapter: Jerza

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